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Industry Insider: An Inside Look at BSN medical

April 2015

  For this month’s feature, Today’s Wound Clinic spoke with Roberto Muñoz, president of the company’s North American region.

  Today’s Wound Clinic (TWC): How long have you been in healthcare, and what are some of the positions you’ve held?
  Roberto Muñoz (RM): I have been in the healthcare industry for close to 20 years in different areas of specialty, including radiology, cardiology, dental, LASIK, and orthopedics, to name a few. My education is in engineering; however, I have worked in a variety of positions throughout my career including capital equipment sales for GE Healthcare, corporate marketing, business development, and general management positions, all of which allowed me great opportunities to learn and witness significant advancements and transformations in healthcare. While at Zimmer, I held the role of vice president and general manager for the Global Extremity Business, where I had overall responsibility for the Global Extremities franchise. I graduated from Duke University with a degree in engineering and I received my MBA from UCLA’s Anderson School of Business.

BSN medical

  TWC: What drove you to join BSN medical and lead its North American region?
  RM: I joined BSN medical for several reasons; however, the overarching reason is because of what this company does for patients. BSN is dedicated, first and foremost, to treating patients. We partner closely with clinicians and patients to develop innovative products that improve how care can be provided. We work tirelessly to develop products that make the clinician’s job easier and the patient’s treatment optimal. To me, the combination of passion for patients and dedicated support for caregivers is what makes BSN medical the company that stands out well above the rest.

  TWC: What do you find most rewarding about your role with BSN medical?
  RM: I thoroughly enjoy meeting and working with amazing people every day. The US team, as well as my global colleagues, shares a passion for innovation. In addition, because of the type of company BSN is, we are able to move fast in both our decision-making and bringing new products to market. I’ve never seen a company move at this pace. Because we are not a huge conglomerate, we control our own destiny. As a result, BSN is growing fast while also delivering new products to the market at a swift pace.

  TWC: What have been some of the company’s greatest accomplishments?
  RM: I am extremely proud of our commitment to meeting our customers’ needs and our dedication to driving change through innovation. Our continued investment in advanced therapeutic solutions coupled with our customer-centric focus has resulted in expeditious growth for BSN medical. I am also very proud of our presence in the wound care, vascular, and orthopedics markets with some of the largest brands in these categories. The JOBST® compression therapy line developed by Conrad Jobst is the No. 1 physician-recommended brand in the US and offers a wide assortment of trusted, high-quality medical compression therapy. We are also a world leader in the supply of high-quality, fracture-management products that are recognized worldwide by hospitals and treatment centers. And because of our rapid growth, we have expanded our sales force to meet the increasing demand we have been faced with this past year.

  TWC: What differentiates your company from competitors, and how do you remain competitive in the wound care field?
  RM: We provide effective treatment solutions that address the entire spectrum of care so patients may heal and enjoy lasting health. In addition, we work very closely with our clinicians on the state of current diseases, their needs, and the needs of their patients so we may continue to deliver even broader therapeutic solutions. Take, for example, the treatment of venous leg ulcers. The “gold standard” therapy is wound care and compression. BSN is one of the few companies, or perhaps the only company, that can provide this full range of products. Because we deliver the full continuum of care for conditions that often result from poor venous or lymphatic circulation, we have created a standard of care for wounds and chronic vascular disease that includes treatment, prevention, and management of healthy skin after the ulcer.

  TWC: What is the biggest challenge you face working in the wound care realm?
  RM: There are a lot of competitors in the wound care space. Some have great products, and others have what I would call “me too” products. With all of this competition, it can be tough breaking through the noise and really speaking to the various stakeholders and customers. BSN works hard to reach its customers with products that work and are proven with evidence, as well as with compelling messages of outcomes. We’ve done a relatively good job with this, but we can continue to do more. And we welcome our customers’ feedback on how to do this better.

  TWC: In what direction do you believe the industry is moving?
  RM: I believe the industry is rapidly transitioning to a space where therapeutic solutions must lower the total cost of care. BSN medical is extremely well positioned to address this, as our broad range of clinically proven and economical therapeutic solutions address prevention, treatment, and management of various conditions.

  TWC: What is the company doing to give back as far as corporate social responsibility or sustainability efforts are concerned?
  RM: BSN medical is a large supporter and sponsor of education and research. We recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of our BSN-JOBST Research Grant, which we increased to $100,000 — bringing our total donations for this grant to just over $1 million. The winner of this year’s grant was announced at the recent American Venous Forum Annual Meeting. We are extremely proud to be the industry leader in support of Conrad Jobst’s vision and his commitment to improving health outcomes for people suffering from venous insufficiency or lymphatic disease. The 20th anniversary of this distinguished grant marks a significant milestone in the area of vein disease research, while also helping to launch young researchers’ careers into this space.


