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Clinical and Industry News

Industry Insider News May 2020

May 2020

Smith+Nephew Releases PICO 14 Single Use NPWT System for High Risk Surgical Patients

Smith+Nephew recently announced the U.S. launch of the new PICO 14 Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy System (sNPWT), which has a pump duration of up to 14 days. The company says the new pump builds on the features and advantages of previous PICO sNPWT variants, and comes with an enhanced pump that requires less user intervention.

In one study, prophylactic use of PICO sNPWT significantly reduced the incidence of wound complications by 70% following coronary artery bypass graph surgery compared with standard dressings. In a study of elective and emergency abdominal surgery PICO sNPWT demonstrated a 74% reduction in surgical site infection rate at 30 days postoperatively compared to standard dressings.

The PICO sNPWT dressing includes a proprietary AIRLOCK Technology layer, which Smith+Nephew says uniformly and consistently delivers sufficient NPWT across a surgical incision and the surrounding zone of injury. The company notes this feature is designed to help reduce the risk of wound complications by reducing postoperative fluid and tension around a closed surgical incision in comparison with standard dressings. The combination of these actions helps reduce the risk of surgical wound dehiscence and skin/skin structure infections, the two most common surgical site complications, according to the company.

For more info, please visit

Study Reports In Vitro Detection of Fluorescence from Bacteria in Biofilm with MolecuLight Wound Imaging Device

MolecuLight Inc. recently announced the publication of “In vitro detection of porphyrin-producing wound bacteria with real-time fluorescence imaging” in Future Microbiology. The peer-reviewed paper describes the results of an extensive in vitro validation study using the MolecuLight i:X fluorescence imaging system to detect common wound pathogens.

In this study, the porphyrin production and red fluorescing capabilities of 32 common bacterial species were investigated in planktonic (free floating) and biofilm bacteria cultures using the MolecuLight i:X fluorescence imaging device. When provided with appropriate nutrients, the company notes 28/32 porphyrin-producing bacterial species produced red fluorescence when illuminated with the MolecuLight i:X. Red fluorescence was also observed from porphyrin-producing bacteria in biofilms. MolecuLight says the study results clearly validate that MolecuLight i:X can detect red fluorescence from both planktonic and biofilm bacterial cultures and confirm that porphyrin production is the main biological source of red fluorescence detected from many clinically relevant bacteria.

For a complete listing of all 28 peer-reviewed publications on studies of 483 patients featuring the MolecuLight i:X platform, please visit 

