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Reworking Your Resume: One Healthcare Provider’s Personal Approach

September 2018

A few months ago, I found myself faced with the need for a newly updated resume. After working more than 13 years in the same industry, I realized that things had changed rather dramatically. Even though I tend to keep my paperwork current, it was not in format that attracts today’s new employers. This step-by-step set of advice for those who may be in a similar position was gathered through online research, professional consulting services, and experienced colleagues. 


Chronological: This is the most traditional format, which lists experiences according to the order in which they occurred. These appeal to older readers and may be best suited for a conservative field.

Functional: Thin is the resume type that lists your experiences according to skill. You may use this format if you are changing career direction and/or lack direct work experience. By displaying your skills first, your experience or lack thereof is not the main focus.

Combination: This type combines the best aspects of the previously mentioned formats. Be mindful of length; this type of resume can quickly grow long. 

If possible, resumes should be one page in length and submitted to potential employers along with a brief (but concise) cover letter. In order to obtain an interview, the resume will need to be truthful, attractive, and leaving the employer wanting to know more about you.


A header should include your name, phone number (that you plan to answer), email address (that is a professional email), and any online professional bios.


In one or two sentences, summarize your work experience and relevant skills. It is important to have this area be strong, solid, and simple. Explain why you are applying for a role that is a departure from your career path. If your experience speaks for itself, you can skip this step, although that is not advisable.    


Chronological/ Combination Resumes

• List your experiences, starting with your most recent or current job, followed by your previous work experience.

• State specific accomplishments you achieved with each position.

• Clearly choose those experiences that are most relevant to the position you seek. 

• This is where your resume can begin to run over one page, so be selective on your inclusion.

• There are key words to start each achievement with (eg, accelerated, achieved, expanded, influenced, solved, maintained, generated, effected, advised, controlled, trained, utilized). Example: Coordinated physician efforts; redefined the inpatient wound care service line. 

Functional/Combination Resumes

• In this resume, use the skill section to show your strengths and individuality. 

• State each skill. Then follow it with a two- to three-line explanation of how you learned that skill or why you believe you have that skill.

• These entries should be concise.

• Think about what you believe the employer is looking for, and focus on those skills. Example: Coordination of the clinical education and reimbursement strategies for the physical therapy, physician, and nursing staff. 


List activities you have participated in as well as your role in each. Membership or leadership roles in community or professional clubs, teams, organizations, etc. is helpful information here. Employers do look for individuals with diverse backgrounds, hence do not hesitate to include activities unrelated to the position you are applying for. 


Schools you have attended and degrees you have attained, starting with the most recent, is the suggested style. Other education experiences, including seminars, training programs, etc. can also be listed here.


Employers are always interested in any recognition that (professional or community). Do not worry if you have not received any awards, however.


Use this section to show how well rounded an individual you are and try to demonstrate why people would want to work with you. This section is also considered optional, although employers may use materials listed here as a way to “break the ice” if you are invited to interview. At least three references (two professional, one personal) should be included. Provide the person’s name, job title, and email/phone contact information.


In today’s world of internet and social media, your resume is your point of entry, but all other sources of social media are available for an employer to review. As a professional, be mindful of your online activity and posts. Be certain that your professional profiles are current. Review your connections: Will they be helpful to your job search? Also, it is strongly recommended to utilize a professional colleague to review your materials — someone who knows and understands you — before submitting them for consideration.     

 Pamela G. Unger is a member of the Today’s Wound Clinic editorial advisory board.

