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SAWC Spotlight: Maximizing Your SAWC Experience

July 2014

  Editor’s Note: TWC offers this exclusive inside look at the SAWC conference specifically for our wound clinic audience.

Create Your Own SAWC Fall Agenda

  In an effort to help attendees confirm their plans for SAWC sessions and streamline their agendas throughout the conference, SAWC Fall 2014 offers the opportunity to create a personalized schedule across four distinct educational tracks and more than 40 courses.

  This interactive scheduling allows participants to navigate the conference by selecting sessions based on topics, speakers, and professional categories. Attendees can either print their customized schedules or sync their plans with social media applications such as Facebook and LinkedIn. Pre-registration is required. For more information, visit

Exclusive Wound Clinic Track Offers 15 CME Options

  Healthcare providers working in the outpatient wound clinic will be able to tailor their entire SAWC Fall 2014 experience to an educational track devoted to clinical and business-related concepts affecting wound clinics. Beginning with a preconference session on diabetic foot ulcers Oct. 15, this devoted track also includes educational courses on lymphedema, osteomyelitis, compression, debridement, and nutrition. Special sessions on healthcare reform, legal issues related to skin care, and reimbursement particularly target the nature of the outpatient clinic arena. For more information, visit

Early Registration for Financial Discounts

  Registration for SAWC Fall 2014 is already underway. Attendees who register before arrival avoid on-site registration lines and proceed directly to the materials pick-up area. Also, register before Sept. 4 to receive substantial discounts. To register, visit and click “Register Now” on the top-right navigation bar. For hotel and travel accommodations, visit

Calling for 2015 Spring Abstracts

  The submission period for abstracts for the 28th annual SAWC Spring/Wound Healing Society 2015 conference (to be held April 29-May 3 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, TX) will open Oct. 27. For more information, visit

  Questions can be submitted at any time to

TWC Editor Endorses SAWC for Program Directors

  When it comes to running the outpatient wound care clinic, SAWC offers valuable business-related education that goes beyond the clinical component of patient care.

   “The Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) is one of the few wound care educational events where administrators and program directors can gain insight on reimbursement and revenue integrity from national reimbursement experts,” said Caroline E. Fife, MD, FAAFP, CWS, clinical editor of Today’s Wound Clinic.

   “Healthcare reimbursement is changing fast and those changes will have big effects on the delivery of wound care services. Attending SAWC meetings will keep everyone on your team up to date on the latest advances from clinical research to reimbursement and cost-effective care. The SAWC faculty is world-class and the agenda is precisely focused on current challenges in the field. The SAWC is a ‘must-attend’ event for anyone involved in the clinical and/or business aspects of a wound care clinic.”

TWC Board Members Represent SAWC Faculty

  Five members of the Today’s Wound Clinic (TWC) editorial board, including editor Caroline E. Fife, MD, FAAFP, CWS, have been named as faculty members of SAWC Fall 2014.

  Other members include Kathleen D. Schaum, MS; Robert S. Kirsner, PhD, MD (co-chair); and Pamela Scarborough, PT, DPT, MS, CDE, CWS, CEEAA. Dot Weir, RN, CWON, CWS, also serves as a co-chair.

  Fife will present the session “Lymphedema Therapy: What You Know, What Is New?” Oct. 18 and serve as a moderator for “Health Care Reform: A Simplified Practical Update for Clinicians” Oct. 17.

  Schaum will present “Getting Paid: Reimbursement Pearls” Oct. 18. Kirsner and Weir will serve as moderators on multiple sessions and also serve on the planning committee. Scarborough will provide speaker training Oct. 18.

