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Slicing Up Salary

December 2009

  Some say that the best kept secret of a human resource department is the employee salary list. Many factors go into deciding employee salary including; budgets, past experience, education, certifications, responsibility, additional benefits, and more.

  Salary is a volatile subject in any segment or industry that is capable of causing conflict, descent, anger, envy and even sometimes joy within the wound care clinic. Many questions about salary swim around in employee’s heads and employees of wound care clinics are no different.

  Is the clinic I work in paying its employees on a scale with the rest of wound care?

  How many hours are others working each week?

  Do others receive bonuses on top of their salaries?

  How long have other employees worked in a wound care clinic?

  Today’s Wound Clinic hopes that this section can be used as a helpful tool to start to gage and comprehend salary related issues in the wound care clinic setting.

