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Clinical and Industry News

Study: Fluorescence Point-of-Care Imaging Improved Wound Healing Rates by 23%

December 2020

MolecuLight Inc., announced the publication of results from a 2-year retrospective study of 229 foot ulcers in Diagnostics, which looked at wound-related outcomes and antimicrobial dressing costs that were quantified over 1-year before (2018/2019) and after (2019/2020) incorporating fluorescence imaging into routine practice at Gillian Hanson Diabetes Centre at Whipps Cross Hospital, London, UK.

During the period of fluorescence imaging using the MolecuLight i:X the number of wounds seen at the clinic increased by 27%, yet annual antimicrobial dressing expenditure decreased by 33%, according to the company. MolecuLight notes the implementation of fluorescence imaging was associated with a 49% decrease in the prescription of antimicrobial dressings and a 33% decrease in antibiotic prescriptions. In addition, routine use of fluorescence imaging was associated with improved clinical outcomes, including a 23% increase in wound healing rates within 12 weeks (48% vs. 39%), likely due to earlier bacterial detection and improved wound hygiene. The cost-savings revealed by the study showed that antimicrobial spending decreased by 47% from £22.68 per wound to £11.96 per wound.
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TissueTech Conducting Phase 3 Study of TTAX01 to Treat Advanced Wagner Grade 3-4 DFUs

TissueTech, Inc., has announced the initiation of its second randomized controlled trial to study the benefits and risks of using therapeutic biologic product TTAX01 to achieve complete wound closure of advanced non-healing diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). TTAX01 is a code name for the cryopreserved human amniotic membrane and umbilical cord (AM/UC) matrix intended for use as a wound covering for dermal ulcers and defects, according to the company.

A previous one-year follow-up Phase 2 study using TTAX01 to treat difficult DFUs showed complete wound closure for 91% of patients with an average of only 1.5 applications, notes the company. TissueTech says it is also helping investigators prioritize their patients’ safety with risk-based monitoring tools and centralized oversight. One example of this is TissueTech’s recent adoption of an iPhone-based telehealth platform to accurately capture wound images and measurements in a validated and reproducible way. Clinical teams are optimizing a unified platform approach to capture clinical data and leveraging these technologies to support virtual clinical trial oversight.

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Next Science and 3M Donate $300,000 of Breakthrough Wound Treatment to Nursing Care Facility

Next Science recently announced it has donated $300,000 worth of BlastX™ Antimicrobial Wound Gel to Hampton Ridge Healthcare and Rehabilitation in Toms River, NJ. This gift is part of a $500,000 donation program with 3M Company, the exclusive distributor of BlastX, which helps caregivers treat patients suffering from chronic wounds at nursing and rehabilitative care facilities, according to the company.

Next Science notes the support to Hampton Ridge is the latest of several donations of BlastX that Next Science and 3M will make to long-term care facilities. Previously, the company set up donation programs to help patients who were unable to receive treatment at wound care clinics that were closed as a result of COVID-19. BlastX is an antimicrobial wound gel powered by Next Science’s non-toxic, biofilm-disruption Xbio™ technology. BlastX breaks down biofilm, destroys bacteria within the gel and defends against reinfection.

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