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Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers With Hyperbaric Oxygen

May 2021

How effective is hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) is treating diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs)? These authors take an extensive look at the literature and offer practical pointers for the use of HBO2.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the eighth leading cause of death in the USA. There are approximately 26 million people in the United States who have diabetes mellitus.1 By 2040, it is predicted that there will be around 640 million people with diabetes worldwide.

As the prevalence of diabetes increases, the cost of treating diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) has vastly increased in the last 20 years. A 2017 study estimated diabetic foot ulcers cost Medicare from $6.2 billion to $18.7 billion.2

At 10 years, the risk of death for a patient with diabetes who had a foot ulcer is twice as high as the risk for a patient who has not had a foot ulcer.3 Diabetic foot ulcers also double the risk of mortality from a heart attack and increase stroke risk by 40%.3 Most amputations in patients with diabetes are preceded by a DFU, accounting for around 70,000 amputations annually.4 Every 20 seconds, someone is getting an amputation somewhere in the world. The relative 5-year mortality rate after limb amputation is 68%.5 After the initial amputation, the risk of re-amputation of the contralateral extremity is high.6,7 When a patient with end-stage renal disease and DM type 2 gets a major amputation, they have 50% mortality within one year.8

It is also crucial for everyone taking care of patients with diabetes to know that patients with diabetic foot disease fear major lower-extremity amputation more than death.9

Pathophysiology and Hyperbaric Effects

Most of the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2) are explained by a simple physical relationship determining gas concentration, volume, and pressure.10 HBO2 causes increase oxygen delivery to hypoxic tissues according to Henry's law, which states that the amount of ideal gas dissolved in the solution is directly proportional to its partial pressure. During HBO2 therapy, when 100% oxygen is given at 3 ATA, dissolved oxygen content is 6 mL/dL. This helps with resting tissue oxygen extraction in hypoxic tissue irrespective of the hemoglobin-bound oxygen pool's adequacy.11

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy causes its effects mainly through controlled and brief increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS) (e.g., reactive nitrogen species [RNS]). The increase in ROS and RNS leads to increased growth factors (GF), growth factor receptors, and increased mobilization of stem/progenitor cells from the bone marrow. The increase in GF, GF receptors, and stem cells causes reduced integrin function. This leads to reduced pathologic neutrophil adhesion, leading to changes in monocyte chemokine synthesis and hemoxygenase-1 heat shock proteins, and hypoxia-inducible factor 1, which reduces pathologic inflammation.10

In vitro, HBO2 modulates the local and systemic effects found in acute and chronic injury, ischemia, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and inflammation, helping wound healing.11,12 HBO2 helps with fibroblast proliferation, angiogenesis, collagen synthesis, leukocyte function, and angiogenesis, helping with wound healing.13–17 HBO2 augments neutrophil bactericidal activity, limits Clostridia exotoxin and spore production, kills anaerobes such as Clostridium perfringens, and inhibits the growth of several other bacterial pathogens.13–15 It also works synergistically with certain antibiotics to augment bacterial killing.13–15

Studies Investigating the Efficacy of HBO2 in Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Reviewing the literature on DFU and HBO2 provides 3 meta-analyses using grade methodology16–18, 9 randomized controlled trials19–28, more than 20 observational studies29–38 and multiple systemic review articles. There is continuous debate about the role of HBO2 as most studies reviewed have small sample sizes, inconsistent treatment protocols, and no standardization on standard wound management.

HBO2 in DFU is only recommended as an adjunctive treatment to standard wound management. Standard wound management includes vascular assessment and correction of vascular problems, debridement, moist dressing, offloading, diabetes management, and nutrition management.  

Prospective and retrospective studies. Numerous retrospective studies have shown the efficacy of HBO2. Davis reviewed a clinical series of 168 patients with compromised refractory diabetic foot wounds treated over a 7-year period and found a 70% success rate.31 Thirty percent of the individuals failed to respond and required amputation above or below the knee. Failures were more common in older patients without palpable pedal pulse and with large vessel occlusion at or above the ankle diagnosed by angiography.

In 1988, Cianci treated 19 patients with diabetes in a subset of 39 lower extremity ulcers, with a salvage rate of 89 percent.32 Forty-two percent of these patients had undergone successful revascularization and were referred because of persistent infection or non-healing wound.

In 1992, Oriani reported a 10-year experience that showed 80 percent salvage in a group that received HBO2, versus 40% in controls (P < .001).39 Initial treatment was with 15 HBO2 sessions, and reevaluation was recommended. If there was significant improvement, then 10 more treatments were given.

In 1993 study by Stone et al, retrospective data of 501 patients (119 patients in the HBO2 group and 382 patients in the conservative care group).40 Complete follow-up was available in 73% of patients. Both groups received standard wound care. The HBO2 group had larger, more severe wounds, and 31% of the HBO2 group patients were recommended for amputation. Despite having the more severe wounds in HBO2 group, the limb salvage rate was greater in the HBO2 patients (72% percent vs. 53 percent, P < .002).

Baroni and associates treated 28 patients.30 Eighteen received HBO2 and 10 received only conservative care. Sixteen out of 18 patients healed in the treatment group and remained healed on follow up at 36 months. Only one patient healed in the conservative group. The amputation rate was 12.5% in the treated group vs. 40 percent in the control group (P < .001). In a follow-up study by the same group in 1990, 62 of 80 patients (78%) received a course of HBO2, and 96% of the HBO2 patients went on to heal vs. 66% of the control group. The amputation rate in HBO2 group was 4.8% vs. 33% in the control group (P < .0001).30

In 2013, a longitudinal observational cohort study in which data of 6,259 individuals was analyzed by the propensity score-adjusted models based on the electronic medical records of one company (November 2005–May 2011) showed that HBO2 neither improved the likelihood that a wound would heal nor prevented amputation in a cohort of patients that were reviewed.35 Several critics of this study thought that the study was flawed as it is based on electronic medical record data, and there was no control on who was putting the data. HBO2 was given for Wagner Grade 2 DFU, making it difficult to know whether a data entry error occurred or HBO2 was given to Wagner grade 2 ulcers. A large group of patients was excluded as there was a 28-day waiting period before the patient could be enrolled. The excluded cohort had higher lower extremity amputation rates in the first 28 days. The excluded cohort was defined as having adequate arterial circulation without mention of what diagnostic test was used to make that determination.

Recent reports from Ennis et al reviewed the retrospective data of 309,350 DFU patients by a third-party research company.41 They found that the HBO2 group improved wound healing (CE 0.57 vs. CE 0.45 in the non-HBO2 group with 95% CI of 0.077,0.161), P = .001). They also found the HBO2 group had a decreased amputation (CE 0.027 vs. 0.067 in non-HBO2 group with 95% CI (-0.058, -0.021), P = .001).

Another recent report from Lavery et al showed in their retrospective evaluation of 1,066 HBO patients, 2,893 advanced wound care patients, and 29,964 standard wound management patients found that HBO2 therapy is utilized on the most medically complex DFU patients and the HBO2 cohort had approximately 33% fewer major amputations relative to minor compared to the advance wound management cohort.42

Summary of Evidence for HBO2 in DFUs

•    1979—Hart and Strauss (35 patients, 73% improved, 18% healed)43
•    1979–1992—At least 10 retrospective or non-randomized trials with positive results.29
•    1992—First RCT performed (Doctor25): 15 HBO2/15 control-hospitalized patients. Above ankle amputation (2/15 HBO2- 7/15 control) P < .05
•    1992–2017—9 RCTs (7 of 9 show fewer major amputations using adjunctive HBO2) 2 of 9 are negative studies (Fedorko26 and Santema27). Multiple clinical trials and retrospective reviews. Improved wound healing and reduced major amputations.

HBO2 may be associated with improved healing as a component of diabetic ulcer management. Multiple meta-analyses of randomized trials suggest that hyperbaric oxygen therapy may offer a benefit in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.16–18 However, there was variability in the methodological quality of the included studies.16 The available trials are limited by small sample size, standard HBO2 protocol implemented, standard wound management implemented, and heterogeneity of the wounds being treated (e.g., Wagner grade, ulcer size, ulcer depth, microbial involvement, presence of ischemia, and TcPO2 values.17 

A pooled analysis found significantly improved wound healing (OR 9.99, 95% CI 3.97 -25.1) and decreased risk of amputation (OR 0.24%, 95% CI 0.14 -0.43) for HBO2.17 A later meta-analysis found almost similar results.44 Faglia et al conducted a randomized trial of 70 patients with severely ischemic ulcers; the amputation rate was 9% in the treatment group and 33 percent in the control group.19 In the Londahl trial that included 94 patients, significantly more wounds healed completely in the HBO2 group compared with a placebo group (52 versus 29%).24 A recent randomized trial by Santema et al shows that HBO2 did not significantly improve complete wound healing and limb salvage in a patient with diabetes and lower ischemia.27 However, in the same study they found that patients who finished 30 HBO2 treatments had improved wound healing and decreased amputation rates.

The GRADE analysis by Cochrane, Huang and O’Reilly all gave varied recommendations but all 3 found HBO2 to help with diabetic wound healing with standard wound care than standard wound care alone but could not infer that hyperbaric oxygen decreases the amputation rate.16,17,45

A recent systemic review by Lalieu et al showed HBO2 might not be recommended for non-ischemic diabetic foot ulcers.46 However, another recent systemic review by Brouwer et al found that adjuvant HBO2 therapy improves the major amputation rate but not wound healing in patients with DFU and peripheral vascular disease.47 Better selection of patient based on TcpO2 was recommended.

Role of TcpO2 in the Evaluation of Diabetic Wound Patients

The ankle brachial index (ABI) performs poorly in predicting the healing of foot ulcers and only modestly in predicting limb amputations. TcPO2 is a better test for predicting both outcomes.48 Wutschert and Bounamenaux performed a meta-analysis to determine the ability of TcPO2 to predict amputation level using studies published from 1985–1996 and found that 20 mmHg was the most useful cut off for sea-level oxygen testing for failure to heal with a sensitivity of 82% and specificity of 64%.49 The positive predictive value (failed to heal) of the 20 mmHg cutoff was 92%, and the negative predictive value of 42%. The accuracy rate was 79%.

In a retrospective multicenter case series Fife et al reported outcomes with HBO2 treatment in 1,144 patients, of whom final outcomes could be determined in all but 68 cases.50 All patients had hypoxic initial TcPO2 values prior to the start of adjunctive HBO2 therapy. Overall, 75.6% of those had a positive response. It was also implied that intra-chamber TcPO2 might help determine the prognosis of these DFU patients with values about 200 mmHg associated with good prognosis and healing. At the same time, only 18% benefited in patients who had intra-chamber TcPO2 of 100 mmHg and below.

Recommended Evaluation of the Patient

Every patient with DFU should undergo the following evaluation before starting HBO2 treatment.

1. Complete history and physical

2. Evaluation of motor, sensor, and autonomic neuropathy.

3. Evaluation of vascular status: (a) Physical exam, (b) Doppler reading if indicated clinically, (c) Transcutaneous oxygen study, (d) Duplex scanning as indicated, (e) Angiography, if indicated, and correction of any vascular problem.

4.  X-ray of an involved body part if clinically indicated

5. Magnetic resonance imaging, bone scans, or indium scan if clinically indicated.

6. Cultures and sensitivity of wounds, wounds(s), bone, abscess, etc. if clinically indicated

7. Document
o    MEASURE the following: Measurement of wound size, Exudate, wound Assessment, pain (Suffering), Undermining, and Reeevaluation and Edge for each wound.  
●    Document Wagner grading for diabetic wounds.  
●    Document confirmatory clinical, lab, radiological or pathological findings that support your Wagner grading.

8. Evaluation and management of diabetes control

9. Nutritional evaluation and management

10. Baseline labs: complete blood cell count with manual diff, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, chemistry profile, zinc, magnesium, and glycosylated hemoglobin levels.

11. Photographs of the affected area taken before starting HBO2

12. Patient's risk profile assessment to review if the patient has any contraindications to HBO2.

Technical Treatment Protocol

The treatment pressures should be between 2 ATA and 2.5 ATA for a duration of 90 to 120 minutes. If a patient has responded to HBO2 therapy and there are measurable signs of healing, HBO2 treatments may be necessary to be continued up to 40–60 treatments. On average most, diabetic foot ulcers require 30–40 treatments for complete healing.

Evaluating Therapy and Finding Endpoints

Endpoint determinations are both clinical and objective. Clinical endpoints include a healed wound. Other endpoints are increased oxygenation on TcPO2, Complete 100% good granulation tissue on the wound bed.  

Follow-Up Care and Prevention

Patients should be seen in follow-up to ascertain if any adverse effects of hyperbaric therapy have occurred and follow their progress. Wound photographs should be taken to document healing and progress. The healed diabetic wound should be considered as diabetic foot disease in remission.49 Patients with healed diabetic foot wounds should be taught about the importance of foot care. Appropriate customized orthotic diabetic shoes should be prescribed. Detailed diabetic foot care instructions should be given to all patients on discharge. Patients should also be educated about proper diabetes control and importance of follow-up with the primary care physician and podiatrist for preventive exams. Temperature monitoring of the foot is also useful in identifying problems in the foot early and is useful in diabetes foot ulcer prevention.

Provider and Facilities

Either the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and Det Norske Veritas (DNV) should approve the treatment facilities. The treatment facilities should also be completely prepared to become equivalently approved if their sites are visited. The UHMS also has a hyperbaric facility accreditation program which is hyperbaric specific accreditation.

All hyperbaric treatment must be directed by a properly trained and credentialed hyperbaric physician and in an appropriate setting. The training in hyperbaric medicine must be formal, completed at recognized training courses meeting requirements of the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine or the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS). Fellowship training or Board certification by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) is preferred. However, certification of added qualification with practice pathway is available by the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine (ACHM). The UHMS PATH program is also available for physicians who cannot do a fellowship or get board certification by ABMS. The hyperbaric physician or the properly trained hyperbaric nurse practitioner or physician assistant should be immediately available while the patient is undergoing HBO2 under the qualified hyperbaric physician's direction.

Monoplace or multiplace chambers are suitable for treating this disorder and may be present either within a hospital or in a freestanding facility. Emergency resuscitation equipment must be immediately available, and the facility should meet all relevant fire and safety codes. Staff should be properly trained in the delivery of the technical component of HBO2.

Jayesh B. Shah is Immediate Past president of the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine and serves as medical director for two wound centers based in San Antonio, TX. In addition, he is president of South Texas Wound Associates, San Antonio. He is also the past president of both the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin and the Bexar County Medical Society and Current of Board of Trustees of Texas Medical Association.

Patricia Rios is Program Director for two wound centers based in San Antonio, Texas.

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Additional References

52. Kalani M, Jorneskog G, Naderi N, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy in treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Long-term follow-up. J Diabetes Complications. 2002; 16(2):153–158.

53. Liu R, LI L, Yang M, Boden G, Yang G. Systemic review of the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygenation therapy in the management of chronic diabetic foot ulcers. Mayo Clinic Proc. 2013 Feb; 88(2):166–75.

54. Goldman RJ. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wound healing and limb salvage: a systemic review. PMR. 2009; 1(5):471.

55. Wattel F, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of diabetic foot lesions: search for predictive healing factors. J Hyperbar Med. 1991; 6(4):263–268.

56. Bishop AJ, Mudge E. Diabetic foot ulcers treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a review of the literature. Int Wound J. 2014; 11(1):28–34.

57. Game FL, Hinchliffe RJ, Apelqvist J, et al. A systematic review of interventions to enhance the healing of chronic ulcers of the foot in diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2012; 28(Suppl 1):119–141.

58. Goldman RJ. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wound healing and limb salvage: a systemic review. PMR. 2009; 1(5):471–489.

59. Stoekenbroek RM, Santema TB, Legemate DA, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers; a systematic review. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2014; 47(6):647–655.

60. Wang C, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen for treating wounds a systemic review of the literature. Arch Surg. 2003; 138(3):272–279:; discussion 280.

61. Roeckl-Wiedmann I, Bennett M, Kranke P. Systematic review of hyperbaric oxygen in the management of chronic wounds. Br J Surg. 2005; 92(1):24–32.

