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Editorial Board & Staff News

TWC Editorial Board & Staff News

August 2017

Aviles Teaches Complete Lymphedema Certification courses

Frank Aviles Jr., PT, CWS, FACCWS, CLT, a member of the Today’s Wound Clinic editorial board, recently concluded teaching educational courses for healthcare providers seeking certification from the Academy of Lymphatic Studies
(ACOLS). The courses were taught this summer in Pittsburgh, PA. Instruction consisted of 135 hours of didactic and hands-on material and modules covering subjects such as wound care, complete decongestive therapy, and management of lymphedema’s effects on various body parts. After successful course completion, professionals receive the certified lymphedema therapist credential and qualify, if interested, to sit for a national examination through the Lymphology Association of North America. Aviles has been teaching for the ACOLS since 2011. Appearing in the photo at right are Aviles (far left) and a class of 12 students who met during the recent lymphedema certification course for the ACOLS in Pittsburgh. Those interested in hosting a course can contact Aviles at avilescourse


Jones Earns Fellowship Status

Harriet Jones, MD, FACP, a member of the Today’s Wound Clinic editorial board, was recently invited into fellowship status by the American College of Physicians (ACP). 

Invitation into the fellowship is an honor achieved by physicians who are recognized by ACP leaders for their personal integrity, superior competence in internal medicine, professional accomplishment, and demonstrated scholarship, according to officials. 

As a fellow, Jones is seen as someone who inspires medical students, residents, and fellows-in-training by being distinguished among her peers in the profession of internal medicine. She was officially welcomed into the program at a ceremony in San Diego, CA. Jones was also invited to march in the ACP convocation, an annual ceremony whereby the college recognizes and applauds its new fellows and award winners. For more information, visit 


Darrah Named Member of Alumni Board

Joe Darrah, managing editor of Today’s Wound Clinic, was recently elected to serve on the alumni board of Penn State University’s Abington (PA) campus. The position is a three-year term. 

In his role, Darrah, a 2001 graduate of the university, is responsible for assisting board members in a number of alumni initiatives related to fundraising, career services, mentoring, event planning, and volunteering. 

This past winter, he assisted in the research for Penn State Abington and the Ogontz School, a book authored by Frank D. Quattrone and published by Arcadia Publishing as part of its “Campus History Series.” 


