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News Update

TWC News Update

May 2014

  The USWR has performed quality reporting to CMS on behalf of eligible providers (EPs) since the beginning of the physician quality reporting program that uses a combination of incentive payments and penalties to promote reporting of quality information by EPs. The QCDR program allows the USWR to develop its own quality measures for EPs rather than being limited to those provided by CMS.

  USWR partnered with the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders to craft 12 new quality measures that reflect appropriate care of patients with conditions such as diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers.

  Clinicians who report at least nine measures in 2014 will be eligible for a 0.5% bonus to their total Medicare payments in 2016. After 2014, clinicians who fail to report will be at risk for reductions in their Medicare payments.

  Measures can be reported from any electronic health record (EHR) that is certified under the first stage of Meaningful Use.

  CMS has made it clear that the QCDR program is intended to be vendor neutral when it comes to EHRs.

  The goal is to get as many EPs as possible sharing quality data and reporting their patient outcomes so that it is possible to understand the value of medical interventions in affecting patient outcomes.

  The USWR also included a “wound quality of life” tool to better understand the impact that having a chronic, nonhealing wound has on the daily life of a patient. More information can be accessed at

