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News Update

TWC News Update

April 2014

  The US Senate has pushed the compliance date for ICD-10-CM by one year with the passing of legislation aimed at providing a patch for the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR). This is the 17th consecutive SGR patch passed, with a vote of 64-35, though senators from both sides — namely Sens. Ron Wyden, Mark Warner, and Tom Coburn, MD — were vocal in opposition of the patch and attempted to move the debate to the importance of paying for value rather than volume. It is still unclear how delaying the ICD-10 deadline became part of Section 212 of this latest SGR fix. Provider associations have voiced their lack of support for the delay, citing displeasure with ICD-10 being made part of the SGR repeal and frustration with the task of figuring out where ICD-10 fits into their plans moving forward. Many organizations had already invested significant time, energy, and resources into being ready for Oct. 1, 2014. The bill, “Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (HR 4302),” was approved by the House of Representatives in late March.

