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How to Contribute to Today's Wound Clinic

Caroline E. Fife, MD, FAAFP, CWS, FUHM
Brian McCurdy, Managing Editor

The clinical editor and managing editor of TWC discuss what they're looking for from contributors and how to get involved. TWC is seeking articles on the following:

  • How is the wound clinic evolving? Share your experience as a number of care settings become available to clinicians.
  • Have you been audited? We'd like to hear about your experience, what you learned from it, and what advice you could give to others. Your response can be anonymous.
  • Are you involved in clinical trials? Give us the details on your research and its goals.
  • How does your clinic cope when your environment is limited? Let's learn how to practice optimally with a dearth of resources.

Email to discuss your ideas.



