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An Inside Look at HyperbaRXs

June 2011

Today’s Wound Clinic interviewed Catherine Gullatte, BSHA, and director of marketing at HyperbaRXs to learn more about the company.

Today’s Wound Clinic (TWC): How long have you personally been in wound care and how did you enter this area of healthcare?
Catherine Gullatte (CG): I have been in wound care for 14 years. In1997 I was afforded the opportunity to work for one of the industry’s most respected pioneer’s in wound care and hyperbaric medicine. Working for someone so dedicated and compassionate allowed me to gain a lot of clinical knowledge of the science of wound healing. I eventually was given the opportunity to operate and manage the hyperbaric center. I learned and performed insurance contracting, physician credentialing, marketing and billing, along with many other day-to-day operational tasks. To this day I find the field of wound care and hyperbaric medicine a fascinating challenge in my career.

TWC: What do you find most rewarding about providing your products/services to medical directors and wound care clinicians?
CG: Our services provide a genuine opportunity for the physician and the various clinicians to learn and practice state-of-the-art hyperbaric medicine and wound care. This often leads to clinicians that pursue this type of practice long term, which can be quite rewarding for them and their patients.

TWC: Describe the mission and vision for your company.
CG: Our mission is continually providing the highest quality of patient care services to our clients and to maximize the business potential of all company programs. Our vision is to continually expand our service line to meet the ever- growing and changing needs of our communities

TWC: How many different types/series of products or services do you make?
CG: We provide hyperbaric medicine and wound care services in freestanding and hospital-based management service contracts as well as multi-option consulting services to client hospitals and privately owned freestanding facilities.

TWC: Which would you say is your highest selling product or service, and why do you feel it is so popular?
CG: The only service we “sell” is consulting. We feel consulting is gaining popularity secondary to the current slumping national economic situation and the client’s desire to generate and keep more of their own revenue. Consulting involves a much shorter period of time than the typical management contract and allows the client to be appropriately set up, supported both technically and clinically, educated in clinical process, develop and implement patient flow efficiencies, as well as becoming efficient and accurate in their billing and reimbursement, reviewing and renegotiating physician and/or facility contracts to ensure reimbursement is reasonable and customary during the consulting process.

TWC: What would you say makes your company unique?
CG: We have specialized in freestanding facilities both on and off hospital campuses. We have been quite successful for over 17 years while many have come and gone. We have proven this model, when applied appropriately, can be very successful and rewarding business venture for the long term.

TWC: How do you make sure that clinicians are properly trained on your products or services?
CG: We have top quality WOCN nurses in our wound care that work with our physicians to stay cutting-edge in wound care practice techniques and product use. We provide monthly in-services at all locations and use sales reps and product vendors as appropriate. All HBO technicians are sent to a certified training course and obtain their personal certification in CHT, CHRN as soon as possible. We have a Director of Safety and Technical Services that oversees all HBO activities and provides final sign-off of all operators.We employ, continually update and revise, company core competencies for each position in our programs.

TWC: Please tell our readers something about your company that they may not know
CG: We have been in business in the Atlanta area for more than 17 years and have provided consistent, high-quality care and services to our clients and communities. We are affiliated with Hyperbaric Physicians of Georgia (HPG). There are 13 physicians in this group, 8 of which are board certified in the sub-specialty of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine. This is the largest concentration of board certified physicians of this type in the southeast.

TWC: Please describe any of your company’s goals for the future that you would like to highlight?
CG: Our main goal is to continue being the leading provider of wound care and hyperbaric medicine services for the communities in which we serve. To be seen as a strong patient and client advocate for the appropriate utilization of these services. Work with the industry leaders to meld these techniques into mainstream medicine decision-making.

TWC: Looking ahead, what are some initiatives that the company is working on for 2011 and beyond?
CG: We are looking to expand our multi-option consulting services to potential clients as we feel that this is the direction many will look to go. Our main initiative is to maximize the potential of each of our locations and work to replicate our successes to new locations around the country.

TWC: Are there any trends in wound care that you and your executives are monitoring closely?
CG: As with all others in this field, we are monitoring reimbursement for procedures on the physician side as well as facility fee reimbursement. It is vital that well-deserved reimbursement and compensation remain intact for the viability of these services and programs.

TWC: What challenges are you seeing in wound care and how is your company approaching this challenge?
CG: The challenge is always going to be centered on reimbursement for services, both to the facility and to the physician.

TWC: What do you feel are the most important aspects of what your company provides to wound care clinics?
CG: We pride ourselves on staying cutting-edge in new product and technology use. We have strong vendor relationships and utilize their expertise in bringing upcoming products to our attention.

TWC: How can wound care clinicians get in touch with a representative to learn more about your company and products?
CG: Refer to our company website and the physician group at or contact the corporate office at (770) 422-0517.

