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An Inside Look at Medela Healthcare

September 2011
Today’s Wound Clinic interviewed Susan Reid, MSN, MBA, RN, WOCN, CWCN, Director of Clinical Affairs – Medela Healthcare to learn about the company’s goals and mission. Today’s Wound Clinic (TWC): How long have you personally been in wound care and how did you enter this area of healthcare? Susan Reid (SR): I have been a practicing wound care clinician since 1991, and entered this area of healthcare through working in high acuity care settings in which I noticed increased morbidity and mortality in patients who survived life threatening co morbid conditions only to succumb to a non healing wound related issue. Nursing specialists in this area were rare, especially in my native state of Oklahoma, and topical dressings were few in the days preceding reimbursement of surgical dressings. Research and innovation in topical management were just beginning at this time. TWC: Describe your role with your company on a day-to-day basis. SR: As Director of Clinical Affairs for Medela Healthcare I provide clinical expertise to the global organization, support of customers, and active involvement with our regulatory, health economic, and quality teams on a day-to-day basis. TWC: Describe the overall mission of your company. SR: Medela Healthcare exists to innovate and provide Medical Vacuum Solutions for life-saving treatments and advancement of patient care. TWC: What do you find most rewarding about providing your products/services to medical directors and wound care clinicians? SR: It is most rewarding having a product portfolio that truly makes a difference in the quality of life for our patients and the medical directors and wound care clinicians who serve them. Having run a wound clinic for a Native American Tribe, I understand how challenging it is to provide economical quality care to underserved populations. Our products provide economical quality care and access to negative pressure wound therapy for everyone. TWC: Which would you say is your highest selling product or service, and why do you feel it is so popular? SR: Our Liberty Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Pump with our Invia Wound dressing kits are our highest selling items because they meet or exceed market standards clinically, while being affordable economically. TWC: What would you say makes your company unique? SR: We are a family owned company committed to our mission to provide research based medical vacuum solutions for life saving treatments and advancement of patient care. TWC: How do you make sure that clinicians are properly trained on your products or services? SR: Clinicians are trained on our products by our expert clinicians, sales personnel, durable medical equipment partners, as well as instructions for use, website, and supporting clinical tools and literature. TWC: Please describe any of your company’s goals for the future that you would like to highlight. SR: Our goals for the future are to continue to research and innovate products in our wound, cardiothoracic, and professional vacuum product portfolios. TWC: What challenges are you seeing in wound care and how is your company approaching this challenge? SR: On-going challenges exist regarding regulatory, reimbursement and overall health economics surrounding wound care. Medela is actively involved privately and through participation in professional wound coalitions and alliances that continue to raise awareness and impact regulations and governmental and private payers regarding the care and management of wounds. TWC: How can wound care clinicians get in touch with a representative to learn more about your company and products? SR: Clinicians may get in touch with a Medela Healthcare representative through contacting us at (877) 735-1626.

