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Clinician's Report

Technology in the Clinic Spotlight

August 2011

Intellicure™ Inc. • The Woodlands, TX • • (800) 603-7896 •

1) Please list your featured technology-based product. OrderTrakTM 2) What are some unique features of this product? OrderTrakTM integrates all your medical supply ordering directly into the Intellicure EHR so that medical supplies can be ordered quickly and easily at the point of care. It uses click-and-scroll menu options based on the participating durable medical equipment (DME) companies formulary. It sends orders at the click of a button and receives confirmation of delivery directly to the EHR. 3) Please briefly describe this product, its role in the wound care clinic, and what it is used for in the clinic. OrderTrakTM is an automated product ordering system integrated seamlessly into the IntellicureTM EHR. Like all IntellicureTM products, it is designed to improve clinic workflow and increase staff efficiency by allowing point of care wound care supply ordering directly from the patient’s file in the EHR. Staff members no longer have to spend time filling out forms by hand or send or receive faxes in order to obtain needed supplies for patients. 4) Which need or role in the wound care clinic does this product fill? Wound care patients often require dressings and other supplies between their clinic visits, and unless they have home nursing services, wound dressings, negative pressure wound therapy devices, and other medical supplies are provided by DME companies. DME companies require payer (insurance) as well as detailed clinical information (such as wound size and drainage amount) in order to process claims for payment. In the past, clinic staff have had to fill out lengthy forms by hand for patients to get needed supplies. Since all the needed information is already in the wound center EHR, it is possible to harness the efficiency of electronic data capture to allow dressing supply orders to be sent automatically directly from the EHR, saving staff time and improving order accuracy. The DME gets detailed order information directly into their database (not simply a fax), which improves their processing as well. 5) What year was this product first created? 2011. 6) Does the product come with a manufacturer’s warranty? N/A 7) Is there an extended warranty program that can be purchased with the product? N/A 8) List any add on features that can come with this product. N/A 9) How does your product stand out from its competition? OrderTrakTM does not simply create a “fax” like most ordering software. OrderTrakTM allows clinic staff to directly order supplies via click-and-scroll menus programmed within the EHR. An electronic order is sent electronically, directly from the EHR with a “button click” which appends all the necessary clinical and insurance information. Furthermore, unique to OrderTrakTM, when the order is processed, the DME company sends a notice directly into the patient’s file within the EHR to inform the staff that supplies have been sent to the patient. Staff members are able to order specific products from the DME, and know exactly what supplies were delivered and when. 10) What is the MSRP price for this product? This product is free with IntellicureTM upgrades. 11) Please list any important dimensions and measurements for this product. N/A 12) Does this product come with any training services provided by your company? Staff members will be trained to use OrderTrakTM as part of their IntellicureTM EHR training. 13) How can prospective customers get more information on this product?

WoundMatrix, Inc. • Chadds Ford, PA • • • (866) 494-2002 X300

1) Please list your featured technology-based product. WoundMatrix Mobile Wound Management™ 2) What are some unique features of this product? Mobile Digital Image Capture Device: The WoundMatrix front-end application utilizes a smart phone and Verizon data package or dedicated WiFi access to acquire, send, and directly insert patient wound images into a patient’s record.     • Using a smart phone, search patients and then securely and instantly transmit wound images directly to the patient record for immediate measurement and clinical evaluation     • Significantly reduce time and cost to acquire and manage wound images     • Avoids storing images on unsecured devices/digital cameras in violation of HIPAA     Back End WoundMatrix Clinical Software: The back-end WoundMatrix Software application provides management for wound images, objective digital measurement of length, width, and surface area and patient reporting on an individual and aggregate outcome-tracking basis. Volumetric measurement calculation can also be accommodated using depth measurement values of wounded areas.     Product Architecture: The web-based architecture of the WoundMatrix Application is scalable, replicable, and easily deployable across large organizations. Offering multiple types of user (role-based) permissions, the application can accommodate appropriate access to multiple sites, departments, or even an organization’s clients that require wound documentation, such as insurers or case managers. Wound reports can also easily be shared or directed electronically to an existing EMR for global viewing within an organization. Product Offerings     Cloud Access: Access to the WoundMatrix Suite and storage of all patient data resides in Verizon’s secure cloud computing environment and is governed by a dedicated HIPAA Business Associate Agreement between WoundMatrix and Verizon. The cloud option permits an organization immediate use of the WoundMatrix Solution via any Internet connection, with no capital expenditure for software. It also offers the flexibility to easily transition captured images and data to one of the offerings below at a future date, if so desired.     Full Installation: Installation of the full WoundMatrix Suite on customer’s side, with or without customization and custom interfacing.     Hybrid Installation: Installation of components of the WoundMatrix Suite (ie, mobile upload component and digital measurement component) with custom interfacing into a customer’s existing EMR or proprietary software system. 3) Please briefly describe this product, its role in the wound care clinic, and what it is used for in the clinic. WoundMatrix™ is an Internet browser-based, precise, digital wound measurement and documentation platform that allows care providers a complete ONC-EMR Certified wound management solution: from state-of-the-art wound image capture, to secure wireless image transmission, to a true back-end clinical management application that delivers objective outcome reporting at an enterprise level. The end-to-end system delivers near real-time evidence based wound documentation on a scale and timeline as never before experienced. The bottom line: a significant reduction in the cost and time to document wounds and utilization of HIPAA compliant technology that does not store images on unsecured digital cameras or devices—all images are securely and wirelessly transmitted directly to a patient record for immediate digital measurement and reporting leading to timely clinical assessment. 4) Which need or role in the wound care clinic does this product fill? 5) What year was this product first created? 2000. 6) Does the product come with a manufacturer’s warranty? Image Capture Device 1 year from date of purchase 7) Is there an extended warranty program that can be purchased with the product? No. 8) List any add-on features that may come with this product. Case Management Module, AMA Code Sets. 9) How does your product stand out from its competition? Functionality for WoundMatrix Mobile Image Capture Devices, Upload Gateway™, and measurement components can be embedded in any EMR, including other niche wound care applications, to enhance product offerings to clients. 10) What is the MSRP price for this product? Pricing proposal available upon request. 11) Does this product come with any training services provided by your company? Yes, webinar system and device user training are included. Onsite system and device user training are available for an hourly rate plus travel. 12) How can prospective customers get more information on this product? Call Sean Geary at 866-494-2002, X300 or email:

KCI • San Antonio, TX • • (210) 255-6043 •

1) Please list your featured technology-based product. GRAFTJACKET® Regenerative Tissue Matrix – Ulcer Repair & GRAFTJACKET® Xpress Flowable Soft Tissue Scaffold. 2) Please briefly describe this product, its role in the wound care clinic, and what it is used for in the clinic. GRAFTJACKET® Matrix is a human acellular dermal matrix that allows the body to replace damaged or lost dermis with “like-for-like” dermal tissue. It can be placed in the wound care clinic to treat diabetic foot ulcers in a convenient one-time application, versus other tissue matrix products that may require multiple applications. 3) Which need or role in the wound care clinic does this product fill? Treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. 4) What year was this product first created? GRAFTJACKET® Regenerative Tissue Matrix was developed in 2003. 5) Does the product come with a manufacturer’s warranty? No; however, GRAFTJACKET® Matrix has a two-year shelf life, and the KCI clinical support team is available 24/7 to assist customers. 6) Is there an extended warranty program that can be purchased with the product? No. 7) List any add on features that can come with this product. GRAFTJACKET® Matrix customers have access to the KCI dedicated clinical support team and professional education programs. 8) How does your product stand out from its competition? Other products claim regenerative mechanism of action; however, GRAFTJACKET® Matrix is the only single-application product with a regenerative mechanism of action. 9) What is the MSRP price for this product? Pricing varies due to market fluctuations. 10) Please list any important dimensions and measurements for this product. The product comes in three sizes:     4x4 cm Thin and Fenestrated Matrix     4x8 cm Thin and Fenestrated Matrix     2cc flowable (Micronized) 11) Does this product come with any training services provided by your company? Yes. KCI provides professional education programs as well as in-servicing by the local sales representative. Instructions for use accompany the product and also provide application and safety information. 12) How can prospective customers get more information on this product? Contact a local KCI sales representative or visit

