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Desmond Bell DPM CWS FFPM RCPS Glasgow
Especially on tough days, when frustration is abundant and patience is not, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself sanity self-assessment questions along the lines of “What I am doing here?” or “Why do I bother?” We’ve all been there, and with...
Especially on tough days, when frustration is abundant and patience is not, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself sanity self-assessment questions along the lines of “What I am doing here?” or “Why do I bother?” We’ve all been there, and with...
Especially on tough days, when...
Today's Wound Clinic


Monique Abner MD CWSP
As the patient prepared to leave after their final wound care visit, she exited the treatment room and stopped to vigorously clang the bell that sits atop the office’s counter. The sound symbolizes that a wound has healed. The toll is heard...
As the patient prepared to leave after their final wound care visit, she exited the treatment room and stopped to vigorously clang the bell that sits atop the office’s counter. The sound symbolizes that a wound has healed. The toll is heard...
As the patient prepared to leave...
Today's Wound Clinic
Monique Abner MD CWSP
I have spoken of my inquisitive character, but I also have always had creative energy. Whether it is painting, poetry, songwriting, or dance, I express myself using the “other side of my brain.” As an artist, I wax poetically to carefully...
I have spoken of my inquisitive character, but I also have always had creative energy. Whether it is painting, poetry, songwriting, or dance, I express myself using the “other side of my brain.” As an artist, I wax poetically to carefully...
I have spoken of my inquisitive...
Today's Wound Clinic
Desmond Bell DPM CWS FFPM RCPS Glasgow
At some point in the adventure that can also be referred to as your career in medicine, it became apparent to you that you had found your niche. I’ve long held the opinion that wound care finds you as much as you find it. When I entered...
At some point in the adventure that can also be referred to as your career in medicine, it became apparent to you that you had found your niche. I’ve long held the opinion that wound care finds you as much as you find it. When I entered...
At some point in the adventure...
Today's Wound Clinic


Cathy Thomas Hess BSN RN CWCN
Cathy Thomas Hess BSN RN CWCN
Kicking off any new year allows us to pause and reflect on the previous year’s actions and results. When you work within wound care, perhaps your first action this year was to review your schedule of patients to ensure they were provided the...
Kicking off any new year allows us to pause and reflect on the previous year’s actions and results. When you work within wound care, perhaps your first action this year was to review your schedule of patients to ensure they were provided the...
Kicking off any new year allows...
Today's Wound Clinic
Traci A. Kimball MD CWSP
Chronic wounds are indiscriminate of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or creed, but place a significant financial and quality of life burden on patients and their families. I am treating patients who live within a backdrop of chronic medical...
Chronic wounds are indiscriminate of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or creed, but place a significant financial and quality of life burden on patients and their families. I am treating patients who live within a backdrop of chronic medical...
Chronic wounds are...
Today's Wound Clinic
Desmond Bell DPM CWS FFPM RCPS Glasgow
The arc of a career in medicine will take many turns, some planned and others unexpected.   I’ve had the privilege of practicing medicine for 26 years. The time flew by in the proverbial “blink of an eye.” I am still relatively young and...
The arc of a career in medicine will take many turns, some planned and others unexpected.   I’ve had the privilege of practicing medicine for 26 years. The time flew by in the proverbial “blink of an eye.” I am still relatively young and...
The arc of a career in medicine...
Today's Wound Clinic


Monique Abner MD CWSP
I’ve always had an inquisitive mind. What, why, where, when, and how? As a child, I remember grabbing for the crossword puzzles in the Sunday newspaper. The challenge of “figuring things out” was always an exciting discovery. “Waldo” didn’t...
I’ve always had an inquisitive mind. What, why, where, when, and how? As a child, I remember grabbing for the crossword puzzles in the Sunday newspaper. The challenge of “figuring things out” was always an exciting discovery. “Waldo” didn’t...
I’ve always had an inquisitive...
Today's Wound Clinic
Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders 2Q 2018 CMS "Comment Season" Heats Up  "Comment season" is heating up. As summer temperatures rise, we at the Alliance are busy reviewing and addressing the FY2019 prospective payment system updates from...
Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders 2Q 2018 CMS "Comment Season" Heats Up  "Comment season" is heating up. As summer temperatures rise, we at the Alliance are busy reviewing and addressing the FY2019 prospective payment system updates from...
Alliance of Wound Care...
Today's Wound Clinic
Alliance Educates PDAC & DMEMAC via a "Show & Tell" Seminar Enabling Staff to See/Touch/Feel Key Wound Care Products
Alliance Educates PDAC & DMEMAC via a "Show & Tell" Seminar Enabling Staff to See/Touch/Feel Key Wound Care Products
Alliance Educates PDAC & DMEMAC...
Today's Wound Clinic
