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Experts Weigh in on The Push to Privatize More Veterans` Care

We asked three experts and First Report Managed Care Editorial Advisory Board members who regularly contribute analysis to First Report Managed Care for their take on the recent push for increasing the private sector’s role in the care of veterans. Here is what they told us.

Norm Smith, a principle payer market research consultant in Philadelphia:

“The best option is to segment the types of care the veteran needs. If it’s service related problem, then care should be in the VA hospital. But for most cardiovascular problems, the private sector is likely better. We could debate these issues forever, so we need to set a time limit on that.”

Barney Spivack, MD, national medical director of Medicare case & condition management at OptumHealth:

“Veterans have a mix of specialized medical needs but not all manifest these conditions. For those with recognized special needs there should be management with a central team able to benefit from shared electronic medical records, telehealth support, etc. Funding should be used to build satellite services within the community or to re-create virtual teams capable of better managing the complex needs for this high-risk subgroup. There is significant medical research, teaching, and clinical excellence and expertise available within the VA system that should not be threatened.”

F Randy Vogenberg, PhD, RPh, principal of the Institute for Integrated Healthcare in Greenville, SC:

“We need a more integrated care delivery system that can optimize VA strengths in chronic care and military-related disorders while tapping into local medical care systems for urgent or routine care when the VA is not local.  Focus the VA on two areas: 1) specialty and mental health care unique to military veterans and their families; and 2) transitional along with end of life care. Give the VA discretion to make certain tactical financial and clinical decisions without Congressional oversight.”

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