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Health Care Resource Use and Treatment Patterns Among Veterans With Alcohol Dependence

Samantha Matthews

An analysis of Veterans Health Administration Data, which focused on treatment patterns and health care resource use (HRU) among patients initiating medication for incident alcohol dependence showed reduced inpatient admissions after initiation. 

Authors of the study assessed and compared patient characteristics, treatment patterns, and health care resource use among 3665 veterans diagnosed with moderate to severe alcohol use disorder who initiated naltrexone for extended-release injectable suspension (Vivitrol).

“In the study, Vivitrol treatment for alcohol dependence was associated with decreases in inpatient care and increases in outpatient care during the one-year period following initiation of treatment with Vivitrol, compared to the one-year period before Vivitrol treatment initiation,” stated authors of the study.

At baseline—defined as one year prior to Vivitrol initiation—61.5% of included patients reported at least one inpatient admission and 39.8% of patients had an emergency department visit. At follow up, only 37.8% of patients had at least one inpatient admission and 35.4% of patients had an emergency department visit one year after Vivitrol initiation.

“These HRU changes may reflect a possible transition to less resource-intensive care for veterans initiating Vivitrol,” stated authors of the study. “The generalizability of these results to the US population may be limited.”

"Alkermes is committed to advancing research on substance use disorders and veterans represent an important demographic given the pervasiveness of alcohol dependence and the broad unmet medical need within the veteran community," said Amy O’Sullivan, Vice President, Health Economics & Outcomes Research at Alkermes. "Though more research is needed, the VHA dataset provides insight into how the use of Vivitrol may impact engagement in treatment, health care resource utilization, and health outcomes in this patient population.”


  1. Alkermes Presented New Data Analysis on Healthcare Resource Use Among Veterans With Alcohol Dependence [press release]. June 30, 2021. Accessed December, 14, 2021.


