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The Expert Series:
Wound Care’s Best Kept Secret?


The Expert Series: Wound Care’s Best Kept Secret? Case Presentation

Presented by:
Author Name
Catherine T Milne, MSN, APRN, CWOCN-AP; M Mark Melin, MD
Webinar Spotlight:
Wound care’s best kept secret? An easy-to-use ECM is accessible to all wound professionals for use from Day 1.

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Wound care can often be as challenging as it is rewarding. There are a multitude of factors to consider when deciding upon a course of treatment, the added complexity of comorbid conditions and inter-patient variability, and on top of that so many different products in your toolbox to choose from. It can sometimes be quite daunting!

Advanced extracellular matrix (ECM) products are typically reserved for hard-to heal wounds and may have accessibility and affordability hurdles to overcome. Ever wish you had an advanced ECM in your toolbox that all wound professionals in your site of care has access to, and can be used from Day 1?

If so listen to some short commentaries from a recent webinar in which Dr. Mark Melin and Cathy Milne share their views.


