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Wound Care Wednesday—Foundations of Wound Healing: Exploring Cellular, Acellular, and Matrix Products

ExtremityCareIn the first 3 installments of our Wound Care Wednesday series, supported by ExtremityCare, Dr. Jonathan Johnson and his guests discuss the foundations of wound healing with a focus on cellular, acellular, and matrix products.



Foundations of Wound Healing: Exploring Cellular, Acellular, and Matrix Products (Part I)

The first June Wound Care Wednesday episode focuses on the foundations of wound healing, exploring cellular, acellular, and matrix products to heal wounds. Join host Dr Jonathan Johnson and guest speaker Dr Naz Wahab as they discuss advances in wound care techniques and dive into differences between the products, including best practices for application!



Foundations of Wound Healing: Exploring Cellular, Acellular, and Matrix Products (Part II)

The second June Wound Care Wednesday episode continues the conversation of cellular, acellular, and matrix products to heal wounds. Because June is Men's Health Awareness Month, host Dr Jonathan Johnson and guest Dr Naz Wahab discuss the impact of ischemic disorders on skin diseases and wound healing in men, with tips on how men can improve their health.


Foundations of Wound Healing: Exploring Cellular, Acellular, and Matrix Products (Part III)

In the third June WCW episode, host Dr Jonathan Johnson and guest Dr William Tettelbach discuss the evolution of the term "CAMPs" and how their use can help heal wounds, save limbs, and reduce healthcare costs.


