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Do the Velcro-Bungee Compress Garments Benefits Persist at 1 Year?

C Jake Lambert, Jr, Cameron Lambert, Jason M McLeod, Christopher L Rodriguez, Wendy L Smiley

Introduction: Cochrane review confirmed the critical importance of compression therapy for successful treatment of venous stasis disease. Compliance with compression stockings and multilayer compression therapy has been problematic with patients citing general discomfort/pain, slippage of stockings/wraps, and inability to place stockings, especially in the elderly.  A previous long term (7-year) cohort review of electronic medical records in 3144 patients showed only 33% of patients are compliant with compression garments therapy.  

Methods: We previously reviewed 23 patients (early) responses and compliance with the use of a Velcro-Bungee compression garment at 6 weeks in patients not compliant with traditional compression garments.  

Results: Our early results demonstrated increase in both compliance and length of utilization with Velcro-Bungee garments as compared to more traditional compression garments.  After one year of therapy using Velcro-Bungee compression garments, patients were asked to complete the same questionnaire to see if the favorable responses persist.  Five patients were lost to follow up with 2 deaths and 3 patients unavailable by phone or office visit.  Of the remaining 18 patients, 3 patients admitted they are not wearing any kind of compression garment (non-compliant) and 4 patients had changed compression therapy (3 to traditional compression stockings and one to zipper compression stocking).  Eleven (61%) patients were still using the Velcro-Bungee garments at one year.  Velcro patient responses are shown below.  

                                                            6 Week Responses           1 Year Responses
Ease of Placement                                          4.0                                         4.4
(1 very difficult-5 very easy)

Comfort                                                           4.2                                         4.6   
(1 very uncomfortable-5 very comfortable)

Compliance                                                     3.7                                          4.0
(1 very uncompliant-5 very compliant)

                                                                       Yes    No                 Yes    No

Did patient need help applying garment?        13     10                    5     6

Did garment stay in place during the day?      18     5                      8     3

Hours/day patient wore garment                  10.1 hours               10.7 hours 


Conclusion: We conclude that the early benefits noted at 6 weeks persist at one year.


