Effects of a Self-Assembling Peptide on Full-Thickness Wound Healing in a Porcine Model
Reduction of blood loss from patients is one of the most important considerations during surgical procedures, especially during emergency events.1-2  A new composition that provides improved surgical hemostasis while not impeding the wound healing process could greatly reduce patient’s recovery time and improved overall patient outcomes.3 A self-assembling peptide hemostat (SAPH*)  is in development to control bleeding during surgical procedures while not interfering with normal wound healing.4  The purpose of this preliminary study was to examine the effect of SAPH on full thickness wound healing in a porcine model.5  Porcine skin is morphologically and biochemically most similar to humans, and it is ideal to evaluate wound healing therapies.6
Thirty-two (32) full-thickness wounds were created using a 10mm punch biopsy.  Twelve (12) wounds were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: SAPH or Saline control.  Eight (8) wounds were assigned to a commercial skin substitute (SS)^.  Wounds were treated immediately after they were created. All treated wounds were covered with a polyurethane dressing.  Histological assessment was performed blind by a dermatopathologist on days 4, 6, 8 and 11.
On Day 8 and 11, the percent of re-epithelialization was highest in wounds that had been treated with SAPH when compared to those treated with SS and Saline control.  In addition wounds treated with SAPH had higher granulation scores and lower inflammatory scores than the other two treatment groups (Day 8).
This study indicates that SAPH may enhance healing of full thickness wounds. Further studies are warranted to substantiate these conclusions.
Trademarked Items (if applicable): *Arch Therapeutics, Inc. Framingham, Massachusetts.
^Integra Life Sciences Corporation. Plainsboro Township, New Jersey.
References (if applicable): 1. Pfeifer, R., et al., Patterns of mortality and causes of death in polytrauma patients—has anything changed? Injury, 2009. 40(9): p. 907-911.
2. Bunick, C.G. and S.Z. Aasi, Hemorrhagic complications in dermatologic surgery. Dermatologic therapy, 2011. 24(6): p. 537-550.
3. Peng HT, Shek PN. Novel wound sealants: Biomaterials and applications. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2010;7:639–659.
4. Rahmani, G., et al., First Safety and Performance Evaluation of T45K, a Self-Assembling Peptide Barrier Hemostatic Device, After Skin Lesion Excision. Dermatologic Surgery, 2018. 44(7): p. 939.
5. Gil J, Natesan G, Li J, Valdes J, Harding A, Solis M, Davis SC, Christy RJ. A PEGylated fibrin hydrogel-based antimicrobial wound dressing controls infection without impeding wound healing. Int’l Wound Journal, 2017, doi:10:1111/iwj.1291.
6. Sullivan TP, Eaglstein WH, Davis SC, Mertz P. The pig as a model for human wound healing. Wound Repair Regen. 2001 Mar-Apr; 9(2):66-76.