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A Multicenter Performance Evaluation of Silicone Foam Dressings

Silicon foam dressings are an essential component of the wound care clinicians tool kit and are frequently used in the management of a range of acute and chronic wound types.  This multicenter evaluation assessed the clinical performance of the study silicone foam dressing on 145 patient at 12 centers.  In addition to rating overall performance as poor, good, very good, or excellent, evaluators were asked to rate ease of use, patient comfort, ease of removal, condition of surrounding skin, and pain on removal as better, same or worse compared to their usual silicone dressing.  The study silicone foam dressing was rated favorably across all parameters, and ninety-nine percent of the clinician respondents selected a rating of Good (53%), Very Good (11%), or Excellent (25%) for an overall comparison to their usual silicone foam dressing.  The results demonstrate ;the study dressing's ability to consistently perform as well or better than other silicone foam brands available on the market.

Trademarked Items (if applicable): *CovaWoundTM Silicone Foam by Covalon Technologies Ltd.

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