In-Vitro Stimulation of the Proliferation of Human Dermal Fibroblasts by a Lipido-colloid Technology (TLC) Dressing: Results of a Comparative Study
Background: Fibloblasts are cells which play a key role in the production of extracellular matrix such as proteins (collagen, fibronectin, proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid), leading to the dermal and epidermal wound repair.
Methods: Assessment of the effect of a lipido-colloid non-adherent contact layer (UrgoTul™) was undertaken on an in vitro model, on normal human fibroblast proliferation in culture, compared with that of two other wound dressings, widely used in the local management of wounds, whatever aetiologies; a non-adherent silicone one (Mepitel™) and a greasy gauze (Tulle gras™), in addition to a control.
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Urgo Medical