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Product News

July 2008

April 2008

Military Endorses New Dressing Compound

Woundstat™ is a newly developed lightweight and granular dressing compound from Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, Va) and TraumaCure Inc (Bethesda, Md). The compound received endorsement from the Department of Defense Joint Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care for widespread military use.
The Woundstat is not only moldable, but adheres to irregular wound shapes while quickly stemming high-pressure bleeding in moderate to severe wounds.
The technology is the result of more than 3 years of research and development by university researchers.
Visit for more information.

Derma Sciences Develops Formulated Dressings

Derma Sciences (Princeton, NJ) recently launched 3 new formulations of its Medihoney™ line of dressings that contain active Leptospermum honey.
Medihoney Calcium Alginate, Honeycolloid, and Honeycolloid Adhesive were added to the company’s line of dressings. Medihoney Calcium Alginate was added to a version of the dressing designed specifically for moderately to heavily exuding wounds that range from partial- to full-thickness. Both the Honeycolloid and Honeycolloid Adhesive have been added and are formulated for lightly to moderately exuding wounds, with partial- to full-thickness. The Honeycolloid Adhesive is also used for Stage II pressure ulcers, skin tears, and lightly draining diabetic ulcers.
Visit for more information.

Silica Gel Dressing Heals Burn and Diabetic Wounds

Scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC (Würzburg, Germany) have developed a new type of wound dressing made of silica gel fibers designed to heal wounds caused by burns and diabetes. The fibers are produced by means of wet-chemical material synthesis, a sol-gel process in which a transparent honey-like gel is produced from tetraethoxysilane, ethanol, and water in a multi-stage, acidically catalyzed synthesis process.
The dressing forms a supporting matrix for newly growing skin cells and is fully absorbed by the body during the healing process. The fiber fleece provides structure for the healthy cells around the edges of the wound that is needed for a proper supply of growth-supporting nutrients. Once applied, the dressing remains in the body where it gradually degrades the absence of residue.
Visit for more information.


