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STRAVIXTissue Products in the treatment of locoregional head and neck skin cancers


Head and neck cancers are a heterogeneous, aggressive, and genetically complex collection of malignancies. In the two cases discussed here, both involve melanoma—one quite advanced.

The primary goal of treatment for head and neck cancer, of course, is to eliminate the cancer. The goal of reconstruction after head and neck surgery is to return the patient’s appearance and function to its original form as much as possible. When surgeons turn to skin substitutes to accomplish closure selecting products that offer predictable results with demonstrated efficacy is of the upmost importance. The clinical benefits of STRAVIX Tissue products have consistently been shown to provide outcomes favourable to both surgeons and patients.

A growing number of thought leading surgeons have made STRAVIX Cryopreserved Umbilical Tissue a preferred skin substitute, such as Evan Weitman, MD, FACS a surgical oncologist and the Director of the Melanoma and Sarcoma Clinic at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital, in Atlanta, Georgia

Case study: Case study: Advanced head and neck skin cancer


For Dr. Weitman’s first case, a 54-year-old-woman with multiple co-morbidities including diabetes mellitus and hypertension as well as being an active one-two pack a day smoker presented with locoregionally advanced melanoma on the right cheek.

Pre-op presentation
Pre-op presentation


A wide local excision of the right cheek melanoma was performed. After a negative margin by frozen section was returned, a single application of STRAVIX Tissue was sutured into place. After the STRAVIX Tissue was applied, Dr. Weitman chose a Xeroform™ Occlusive Dressing bolster.  After one week, the bolster dressing was removed, and a Tefla™ Ouchless Non-Adherent Dressing was applied over triple antibiotic ointment for 2.5 weeks.

1-week post-op
1-week post-op


Patient achieved complete post-surgical wound closure. 

2.5-week post-op
2.5-week post-op

Case Study:


Dr. Weitman’s next case involved a 57-year-old-man with well-controlled HIV who presented with a left upper chest melanoma.

Pre-op presentation
Pre-op presentation


A wide local excision of the left upper chest melanoma was performed followed by a staged application of STRAVIX Tissue. After the STRAVIX Tissue was sutured into place, Dr. Weitman’s dressing of choice was Xeroform™ Occlusive Dressing bolster.

At one-week post-op, the bolster dressing was removed and a Tefla™ Ouchless Non-Adherent Dressing was applied over a triple antibiotic ointment. At this time, however, pathology reported a positive medial margin.

Two weeks after the initial surgery, the patient returned to the OR to re-excise the positive medical margin.  Again, STRAVIX Tissue was sutured into place and a Xeroform™ Occlusive Dressing bolster was applied. After the bolster dressing was removed, a Tefla™ Ouchless Non-Adherent Dressing was applied over a triple antibiotic ointment.

1-week post-op Pathology-positive medial margin
1-week post-op pathology-positive medial margin
Intro-op staged second surgery 2-weeks post-op
Intro-op staged second surgery 2-weeks post-op
2/4-week post-op
2/4-week post-op


The follow-up Pathology report showed the final margins negative, and the wound was fully closed at 10 weeks following the 2nd application.

10/12-week post-op
10/12-week post-op

Why STRAVIX Tissue Products?

The choices of skin substitutes are plentiful, but STRAVIX Tissue Products are manufactured using proprietary processes allowing the structural tissues to retain all native components including growth factors, a hyaluronic-acid rich extracellular matrix, and intact placental cells.1,2 In fact, A single STRAVIX Tissue can provide fast closure for soft tissue defects and complex wounds.3  For larger wounds you can choose STRAVIX Meshed Tissue which is easily stretched to cover larger area and provides a more affordable choice.

In addition, STRAVIX PL Lyopreseved Umbilical Tissue retains all the native components of the tissue while requiring no thawing or special refrigeration for off-the-shelf, on-demand convenience.

Sign-up for our webinar today and see STRAVIX Tissue for yourself.

Learn more here:


  1. Dhall S, Coksaygan T, Hoffman T, et al. Viable cryopreserved umbilical tissue (vCUT) reduces post-operative adhesions in a rabbit abdominal adhesion model. Bioact Mater. 2018; 4(1): 97-106.
  2. Data on file.
  3. McGinness K, Kurtz Phelan DH. Use of viable cryopreserved umbilical tissue for soft tissue defects in patients with gas gangrene: A case series. Wounds. 2018; 30(4): 90-95.


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Advanced Wound Management Smith & Nephew Fort Worth, TX 76109 USA

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