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Section Editor's Message

Stem Cell Technology for Hard and Soft Tissue Healing

September 2010
  Advances in all aspects of tissue repair have progressed at an unprecedented pace over the last decade. Stem cell technology has received broad local and national coverage as a result of its unique approach to regenerating tissue-specific cells. The literature abounds with in-vitro and in-vivo experimentation and clinical cases, yet clinical trials are limited. One is just beginning to read of larger, randomized and control clinical trials, particularly with problematic wounds and tissue repair.   This special edition of WOUNDS provides two articles that focus on a few clinically relevant topics related to wounds and tissue repair, including bone. The authors have attempted to provide an overview of the medical literature relevant to the practicing clinician. A brief discussion of experiences with chronic wounds and osseous repair are presented with the hope that the reader will be encouraged to broaden his or her interest, and research, into this growing field of medicine.   The information provided is intended to introduce investigation into stem cell applications in the clinical setting. As research, clinical investigations, and discovery begin to grow, future publications and information will, in parallel fashion, become more extensive and complex.


