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Online exclusive from OWM: KCI Donates Medical Supplies to Aid Haitian Earthquake Victims

January 2010

     Wounds recently had the chance to talk with Kinetic Concepts, Inc.’s ([KCI] San Antonio, Texas) spokesperson Katie Gaultney to learn about her company’s efforts to provide much-needed medical supplies and aid to Haitian earthquake victims. WOUNDS: Mrs. Gaultney, describe KCI’s efforts on behalf of Haitian earthquake victims.      KG: As a company whose mission is to create products that help and heal those in critical need, KCI saw the opportunity to provide medical supplies as a duty to step up to the plate as the crisis in Haiti unfolded. We make products that treat the type of wounds and trauma that the people of Haiti have experienced as a result of the earthquake, so we’re grateful and humbled to be able to contribute in this way. WOUNDS: How did KCI’s shipment of more than $2 million in advanced wound care products unfold?      KG: The first shipment of the products, which included V.A.C® Freedom Therapy units, AtmosAir® 9000AR Mattress Replacement Systems, and RIK™ Fluid Overlays arrived on Sunday, January 17, 2010. A second shipment arrived later that week and more are being sent as we speak. We are partnering with Surgical Implant Generation Network (SIGN) and Project Medishare. We’ve heard from physicians in these organizations how KCI’s products were put to use right away in helping the thousands of earthquake victims. WOUNDS: Please describe how the key products KCI donated will be used on injuries.      KG: V.A.C® Freedom Therapy units: These negative pressure units are used on persons suffering from large tissue deficits, burn injuries, and complicated surgical wounds that have opened up as a result of infection.      AtmosAir® 9000AR Mattress Replacement Systems (MRS): These support surfaces particularly benefit those who require pressure redistribution. Those who are in treatment for long periods of time may benefit from the AtmosAir® MRS as it helps prevent pressure ulcers.      RIK™ Fluid Overlays: The overlays, which are proprietary fluid-filled support surfaces, will be used to treat and prevent pressure ulcers by redistributing pressure. WOUNDS: More and more reports indicate that open wounds and infection are among the biggest health concerns. What are some wound and skin scenarios that your products can aid and alleviate?      KG: The V.A.C.® Therapy System is an integrated negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) wound management system that helps create an environment that promotes wound healing by secondary or tertiary (delayed primary) intention by preparing the wound bed for closure, reducing edema, promoting granulation tissue formation and perfusion, and removing exudate and infectious material. It is indicated for patients with chronic, acute, traumatic, subacute and dehisced wounds, partial-thickness burns, ulcers (diabetic, pressure, and venous stasis), flaps and grafts.      The RIK™ Fluid Overlays utilize patented anti-shear layers to help minimize patient sliding, which can irritate the skin.      The AtmosAir® MRS aids in relieving pressure to compromised skin, helping maximize body weight displacement and minimize tissue interface pressure by adjusting the internal air pressure. Additionally, nine air cylinders offer additional support under the shoulders, torso and seat through nonpowered pressure relief by means of nine zones of horizontal pressure distribution. A sloped heel section helps transfer weight off of the delicate heel and onto the calf and thigh area of the leg. The Power Loss Protection feature, which gives uninterrupted pressure relief even in the event of an electrical power failure, is something we are finding to be particularly useful in Haiti right now. WOUNDS: What are some key initiatives KCI will be taking to continually help the people of Haiti? Has the company forged any key partnerships?      KG: We have partnered with SIGN and Project Medishare. Our existing relationships with physicians led us to these organizations, which have medical teams on the ground in Haiti treating and tending to the wounded. Additionally, KCI implemented an employee donation-matching program for Haiti. Employees have opened their hearts and wallets and are generously donating through our employee intranet, KCI Central. The money will be collected until mid-February, at which time it will be matched and given to the American Red Cross as the organization works diligently in Haiti to provide food, water, and supplies; establish field hospitals; and offer emotional support, sanitation facilities, temporary shelters, and family linking services for the people of Haiti. For more information on these products and more, please visit


