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prostate cancer

From the Field
David Gill, MD
Jessica Baumgartner
Jesse Gygi
McKenzie Bell
Libby Petersen
Bryan Crawford
Zoya Sandhu
Brandon Barney, MD
Jonathan Tward, MD
David Gill, MD , and colleagues analyzed rates of treatment for men with low-risk disease who were treated at either The Huntsman Cancer Institute or Intermountain Healthcare facilities, and modeled the costs associated with the presumptive...
David Gill, MD , and colleagues analyzed rates of treatment for men with low-risk disease who were treated at either The Huntsman Cancer Institute or Intermountain Healthcare facilities, and modeled the costs associated with the presumptive...
David Gill, MD , and colleagues...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
FDA Approves Relugolix for Advanced Prostate Cancer
FDA Alerts
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation (TULSA) for Prostate Cancer Treatment: An Interview With  Joseph J. Busch, Jr., MD

Ami Peltier

Ami Peltier
Dr Busch is the owner of the Busch Center, an imaging center in Alpharetta, Georgia that is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. He spoke with IO Learning about integrating the recently FDA-approved TULSA...
Dr Busch is the owner of the Busch Center, an imaging center in Alpharetta, Georgia that is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. He spoke with IO Learning about integrating the recently FDA-approved TULSA...
Dr Busch is the owner of the...
IO Learning