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quality of care

JCP Editors
Journal of Clinical Pathways spoke with Aymen Elfiky, MD, MPH, MSc, attending physician, clinical oncology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, MA), about clinical pathway implementation at the Institute,...
Journal of Clinical Pathways spoke with Aymen Elfiky, MD, MPH, MSc, attending physician, clinical oncology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, MA), about clinical pathway implementation at the Institute,...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Researchers compared the relationship between randomized controlled clinical trial efficacy data and real-world effectiveness for oncology therapies, published in Value in Health (July-August,...
Researchers compared the relationship between randomized controlled clinical trial efficacy data and real-world effectiveness for oncology therapies, published in Value in Health (July-August,...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
A combination regimen plus androgen-deprivation therapy prolongs overall survival (OS) and radiographic progression-free survival (PFS) in newly diagnosed patients with metastatic, castration-sensitive prostate...
A combination regimen plus androgen-deprivation therapy prolongs overall survival (OS) and radiographic progression-free survival (PFS) in newly diagnosed patients with metastatic, castration-sensitive prostate...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) who attempt to discontinue tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy for a second time after a first unsuccessful attempt have strong treatment-free remission rates,...
Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) who attempt to discontinue tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy for a second time after a first unsuccessful attempt have strong treatment-free remission rates,...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Results of a recent survey showed that for patients with cancer requiring palliative care, some symptoms and care needs are not strongly associated with specific diagnoses, published in Supportive Care in Cancer...
Results of a recent survey showed that for patients with cancer requiring palliative care, some symptoms and care needs are not strongly associated with specific diagnoses, published in Supportive Care in Cancer...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Researchers identified three quality measures that have the largest potential of improving quality of care at a system level for patients with early-stage breast cancer receiving systemic therapy. ----- Related...
Researchers identified three quality measures that have the largest potential of improving quality of care at a system level for patients with early-stage breast cancer receiving systemic therapy. ----- Related...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Researchers have identified five quality metrics to help improve head and neck cancer care, published in Cancer (online July 20, 2017; doi:10.1002/cncr.30902). ----- Related Content Quality Measures for NSCLC...
Researchers have identified five quality metrics to help improve head and neck cancer care, published in Cancer (online July 20, 2017; doi:10.1002/cncr.30902). ----- Related Content Quality Measures for NSCLC...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Immunotherapy after complete remission in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is associated with decreasing levels of regulatory T-cells, which leads to favorable clinical outcomes, according to research published in Cancer...
Immunotherapy after complete remission in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is associated with decreasing levels of regulatory T-cells, which leads to favorable clinical outcomes, according to research published in Cancer...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Recent research explored the potential of a subset of patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer likely to benefit from active surveillance. Active surveillance is currently recommended for patients with...
Recent research explored the potential of a subset of patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer likely to benefit from active surveillance. Active surveillance is currently recommended for patients with...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
A recent study reported an overall response rate (ORR) of 71% in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) treated with anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor-modified T (CAR-T) cell therapy after prior treatment...
A recent study reported an overall response rate (ORR) of 71% in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) treated with anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor-modified T (CAR-T) cell therapy after prior treatment...
Journal of Clinical Pathways