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Ed Jones, PhD

Behavioral healthcare will be properly valued and funded only if persuasive leaders make our case. Building trust is job one.
Behavioral healthcare will be properly valued and funded only if persuasive leaders make our case. Building trust is job one.
Behavioral healthcare will be...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Telehealth, digital health, and virtual health are ubiquitous today. Healthcare investors think they have a big winner. Do they, or are they betting on the next big healthcare disappointment? The concern is not the technology itself. It is...
Telehealth, digital health, and virtual health are ubiquitous today. Healthcare investors think they have a big winner. Do they, or are they betting on the next big healthcare disappointment? The concern is not the technology itself. It is...
Telehealth, digital health, and...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Successful executives understand their company’s financial statements. They should have a similar comfort level with research studies and statistics. It is part of being data-driven.
Successful executives understand their company’s financial statements. They should have a similar comfort level with research studies and statistics. It is part of being data-driven.
Successful executives understand...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Communicating in public forums has unseen power, often serving as a vehicle for good ideas to amass support. This is where we should turn to promote a better future for the behavioral healthcare field.
Communicating in public forums has unseen power, often serving as a vehicle for good ideas to amass support. This is where we should turn to promote a better future for the behavioral healthcare field.
Communicating in public forums...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Clinical care changes when primary care physicians and therapists come together to realize behavior is ubiquitous, and it plays a role in either exacerbating or ameliorating every diagnosis in primary care.
Clinical care changes when primary care physicians and therapists come together to realize behavior is ubiquitous, and it plays a role in either exacerbating or ameliorating every diagnosis in primary care.
Clinical care changes when...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Expectations for value-based care need tempering. Advocates often seem more passionate than one might expect over a financial model. Healthcare funding always involves difficult trade-offs, and that includes the value-based structure.
Expectations for value-based care need tempering. Advocates often seem more passionate than one might expect over a financial model. Healthcare funding always involves difficult trade-offs, and that includes the value-based structure.
Expectations for value-based...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
It is time for our field to establish a coherent identity. This might seem challenging given our diverse problems, services, and perspectives, yet we can integrate all of this into a comprehensible whole.
It is time for our field to establish a coherent identity. This might seem challenging given our diverse problems, services, and perspectives, yet we can integrate all of this into a comprehensible whole.
It is time for our field to...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Our executives must start the long, collaborative process of making primary care the frontline for behavioral health interventions.
Our executives must start the long, collaborative process of making primary care the frontline for behavioral health interventions.
Our executives must start the...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Business experts tell us that we cannot manage what we do not measure. It is also clear that we will misunderstand what we mismeasure. Behavioral healthcare is always needing to prove its worth. It is time to offer medical systems a new value...
Business experts tell us that we cannot manage what we do not measure. It is also clear that we will misunderstand what we mismeasure. Behavioral healthcare is always needing to prove its worth. It is time to offer medical systems a new value...
Business experts tell us that we...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Integrated care tries to unite systems long treated as unequal. Evidence of their equality is growing and requires a new start. Reform should begin with the premise that medical and behavioral care are inseparable.
Integrated care tries to unite systems long treated as unequal. Evidence of their equality is growing and requires a new start. Reform should begin with the premise that medical and behavioral care are inseparable.
Integrated care tries to unite...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive