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stress echocardiography

Case Report

Florian Blaschke, MD1; Elke Zimmermann, MD2; Johannes Greupner, MD2; Dietlind Zohlnhoefer, MD1; Florian Krackhardt, MD1; Wilhelm Haverkamp, MD1; Mattias Roser, MD1


1Charite, Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Department of Cardiology;  2Charite, Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Department of Radiology.

Florian Blaschke, MD1; Elke Zimmerman...
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The authors present a case of a 59-year-old female who had retrosternal pain with radiation to the left arm. Imaging confirmed the absence of the right coronary artery and a left circumflex artery supplying the right coronary artery territory.
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Vascular Disease Management