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Windy Cole DPM
A picture is worth a thousand words. How many times do we hear that saying? It rings true in many aspects of our daily clinical practice. Whether we are talking radiographs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound or standard photos,...
A picture is worth a thousand words. How many times do we hear that saying? It rings true in many aspects of our daily clinical practice. Whether we are talking radiographs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound or standard photos,...
A picture is worth a thousand...
Podiatry Today
Patrick DeHeer DPM FACFAS
Research should be the basis of patient care for any health-care provider and sometimes that means a paradigm shift in a specific pathology or treatment.  Several years ago, I wrote a blog on monitoring hyperbaric oxygen treatments...
Research should be the basis of patient care for any health-care provider and sometimes that means a paradigm shift in a specific pathology or treatment.  Several years ago, I wrote a blog on monitoring hyperbaric oxygen treatments...
Research should be the basis of...
Podiatry Today
Andrew Penn, RN, MS, NP, CNS, APRN-BC
BLOG: More patients are exploring the medicinal aspects of cannabis for their psychiatric conditions, and many are presenting to their providers already convinced of the benefits of their self-treatments.
BLOG: More patients are exploring the medicinal aspects of cannabis for their psychiatric conditions, and many are presenting to their providers already convinced of the benefits of their self-treatments.
BLOG: More patients are...
Psych Congress Network
Jeffrey D. Lehrman DPM FASPS CPC
Most routine foot care coverage policies provide a list of qualifying systemic diagnoses. An asterisk accompanies some of the diagnoses on those lists. The asterisk indicates that the patient needs to have seen the provider who is treating or...
Most routine foot care coverage policies provide a list of qualifying systemic diagnoses. An asterisk accompanies some of the diagnoses on those lists. The asterisk indicates that the patient needs to have seen the provider who is treating or...
Most routine foot care coverage...
Podiatry Today
Jennifer Spector DPM FACFAS
As physicians, we wear white on a regular basis, specifically, our white coats. They symbolize quite a bit personally and professionally. However, on August 18, 2020, wearing white in any form symbolizes much more. 
As physicians, we wear white on a regular basis, specifically, our white coats. They symbolize quite a bit personally and professionally. However, on August 18, 2020, wearing white in any form symbolizes much more. 
As physicians, we wear white on...
Podiatry Today
Shawn Khademi DPM AACFAS
I graduated from residency in Boston last year and eagerly anticipated starting life in private practice in the greater Chicagoland suburbs. After years of education, training and constantly being on the move, at times living out of a...
I graduated from residency in Boston last year and eagerly anticipated starting life in private practice in the greater Chicagoland suburbs. After years of education, training and constantly being on the move, at times living out of a...
I graduated from residency in...
Podiatry Today
I recently participated in a discussion on LinkedIn after a young podiatrist posted a video demonstrating a percutaneous plantar fasciotomy performed on a patient with diabetes. I inquired why the practitioner would ever cut the plantar...
I recently participated in a discussion on LinkedIn after a young podiatrist posted a video demonstrating a percutaneous plantar fasciotomy performed on a patient with diabetes. I inquired why the practitioner would ever cut the plantar...
I recently participated in a...
Podiatry Today
David G. Armstrong DPM MD PhD
Compelling work from our colleagues Gariani and coworkers from Geneva in Current Diabetes Reviews takes a look at the utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) versus X-rays in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot osteomyelitis.1
Compelling work from our colleagues Gariani and coworkers from Geneva in Current Diabetes Reviews takes a look at the utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) versus X-rays in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot osteomyelitis.1
Compelling work from our...
Podiatry Today
BLOG: The Physician Support Line launched by Dr. Mona Masood, a Philadelphia psychiatrist, started as an idea on social media, and now has more than 700 psychiatrist volunteers.
BLOG: The Physician Support Line launched by Dr. Mona Masood, a Philadelphia psychiatrist, started as an idea on social media, and now has more than 700 psychiatrist volunteers.
BLOG: The Physician Support Line...
Psych Congress Network
Richard Blake DPM
Most providers diagnose heel pain as plantar fasciitis. Everyone knows the ice, stretch and support protocol. But what if it is not plantar fasciitis? One subset of patients I see have a sudden onset of heel pain without swelling that I can...
Most providers diagnose heel pain as plantar fasciitis. Everyone knows the ice, stretch and support protocol. But what if it is not plantar fasciitis? One subset of patients I see have a sudden onset of heel pain without swelling that I can...
Most providers diagnose heel...
Podiatry Today