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composite graft

Case Report

Carly A Askinas, BS1; Igor Burko, MD1; Jadyn Heffern, BS1; Salomon Puyana, MD1; David A Jansen, MD1

Carly A Askinas, BS1; Igor Burko, MD1...
A 49-year-old woman sustained a traumatic dog bite resulting in injury to her right nasal soft tissue triangle and airway.
A 49-year-old woman sustained a traumatic dog bite resulting in injury to her right nasal soft tissue triangle and airway.
A 49-year-old woman sustained a...
CASE REPORT Composite Grafting of a Distal Thumb Amputation: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Case Report
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
J. Choo, B. Sparks, M. Kasdan, and B. Wilhelmi
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCJ....
CASE REPORT Composite Grafting of a Distal Thumb Amputation: A Case Report and Review of Literature J. Choo,a B. Sparks,b M. Kasdan,c and B. Wilhelmia aDivision of Plastic Surgery, University of Louisville; bUniversity of Louisville...
CASE REPORT Composite Grafting of a Distal Thumb Amputation: A Case Report and Review of Literature J. Choo,a B. Sparks,b M. Kasdan,c and B. Wilhelmia aDivision of Plastic Surgery, University of Louisville; bUniversity of Louisville...
CASE REPORT Composite...
Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Joshua T. Henderson, BA, Steven A. Schulz, MD, Andrew M. Swiergosz, BS, Andrea R. Hiller, BS, J. Stephen Gunn, MD, Joshua H. Choo, MD, Morton L. Kasdan, MD, FACS, and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD, FACS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCJo...
Preservation of the Sterile Matrix, Hyponychium, and Fingertip Pad in Fingertip Reconstruction With Composite Fingertip and Nail Bed Graft and Volar V-Y Advancement Flap Joshua T. Henderson, BA,a Steven A. Schulz, MD,b Andrew M....
Preservation of the Sterile Matrix, Hyponychium, and Fingertip Pad in Fingertip Reconstruction With Composite Fingertip and Nail Bed Graft and Volar V-Y Advancement Flap Joshua T. Henderson, BA,a Steven A. Schulz, MD,b Andrew M....
Preservation of the...