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venous ulcer

Rapid Communication
Christina Del Pin
Amit Rao
Meaghan Coles
Manuel Beltran Del Rio
Alisha Oropallo
Wound closure rates were reviewed in this study, by size over time, to establish the CTP sex's role in healing outcomes.
Wound closure rates were reviewed in this study, by size over time, to establish the CTP sex's role in healing outcomes.
Wound closure rates were...
Original Research
Kenji Yamamoto
Senri Miwa
Tomoyuki Yamada
Shuji Setozaki
Mamoru Hamuro
Shunji Kurokawa
Sakae Enomoto
The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyze the effectiveness of endovenous ablation, compression therapy, moist wound healing, and skin care in the management of venous ulcers.
The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyze the effectiveness of endovenous ablation, compression therapy, moist wound healing, and skin care in the management of venous ulcers.
The aim of this study was to...
Evidence Corner
Laura Bolton
This month’s Evidence Corner summarizes recent randomized clinical trials documenting healing effects of topical gauze dressings impregnated with hyaluronic acid or placebo cream as an adjunct to patient-appropriate compression or low-level...
This month’s Evidence Corner summarizes recent randomized clinical trials documenting healing effects of topical gauze dressings impregnated with hyaluronic acid or placebo cream as an adjunct to patient-appropriate compression or low-level...
This month’s Evidence Corner...
Introduction:  The application of multi-layer compression therapy is the gold standard for the management of patients with venous insufficiency and other wounds compromised by lower extre...
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Edward P. Miranda, MD and Alex Friedman, MS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCEd...
Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Grafts May Accelerate the Healing of Ulcers on Free Flaps in Patients With Venous Insufficiency and/or Lymphedema Edward P. Miranda, MD,a,b and Alex Friedman, MSa aCenter for Complex Reconstruction, San...
Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Grafts May Accelerate the Healing of Ulcers on Free Flaps in Patients With Venous Insufficiency and/or Lymphedema Edward P. Miranda, MD,a,b and Alex Friedman, MSa aCenter for Complex Reconstruction, San...
Dehydrated Human...