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Salvage of Free Flaps Following Vascular Pedicle Avulsion Using "Supermicrosurgery'' Techniques: A Case Report of DIEP Free Flap Salvage and Review of the Literature
Case Report
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Nicholas Cereceda-Monteoliva, MBBS, BSc, David Izadi, MB BChir, MA(Oxon), MA(Cantab), MRCS, and Sherif Wilson, MB ChB, FRCS, FRCS (Plast)
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCNi...
Salvage of Free Flaps Following Vascular Pedicle Avulsion Using “Supermicrosurgery” Techniques: A Case Report of DIEP Free Flap Salvage and Review of the Literature Nicholas Cereceda-Monteoliva, MBBS, BSc, David...
Salvage of Free Flaps Following Vascular Pedicle Avulsion Using “Supermicrosurgery” Techniques: A Case Report of DIEP Free Flap Salvage and Review of the Literature Nicholas Cereceda-Monteoliva, MBBS, BSc, David...
Salvage of Free...