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exophytic mass

Case Report
Vincent Brown, MD,a Tom Reisler, BSc(Hons), MB ChB, MRCS(Ed),b and Jake Laks, MDa
Vincent Brown, MD,a Tom Reisler, BSc(...
CASE REPORT Nodular Melanoma in an African American Female Vincent Brown, MD,a Tom Reisler, BSc(Hons), MB ChB, MRCS(Ed),b and Jake Laks, MDa aDepartment of Surgery, The Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University,...
CASE REPORT Nodular Melanoma in an African American Female Vincent Brown, MD,a Tom Reisler, BSc(Hons), MB ChB, MRCS(Ed),b and Jake Laks, MDa aDepartment of Surgery, The Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University,...
CASE REPORT Nodular...