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nail bed

Original Research
Justin Rock
Adam Kurland
Dominick V. Congiusta
Omkar Baxi
Michael M. Vosbikian
Irfan H. Ahmed
This prospective, randomized controlled study compares nail plate replacement versus non-replacement in patients undergoing nail bed repair.
This prospective, randomized controlled study compares nail plate replacement versus non-replacement in patients undergoing nail bed repair.
This prospective, randomized...
Salvaging a Totally Avulsed Nail Bed Using Free Grafting and Postoperative Ice Cooling: A Case Report
Case Report
Kun-Yong Sung
Sang-Yeul Lee
This report presents a rare case of a 26-year-old man who experienced an isolated total avulsion injury of the nail bed with exposure of the phalangeal bone while using machinery, which was treated successfully with free grafting and...
This report presents a rare case of a 26-year-old man who experienced an isolated total avulsion injury of the nail bed with exposure of the phalangeal bone while using machinery, which was treated successfully with free grafting and...
This report presents a rare case...