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citric acid

Case Report
The current study reports the use of a simple, yet effective, novel treatment option for refractory chronic postoperative raw area in a surgical case of breast carcinoma.
The current study reports the use of a simple, yet effective, novel treatment option for refractory chronic postoperative raw area in a surgical case of breast carcinoma.
The current study reports the...
Using Topical Citric Acid to Treat an Infected Ulcerated Hemangioma in an Infant: A Case Study
Case Report
Basavraj Nagoba
Milind Davane
Basavraj Warad
Nawab Jamadar
Ajay M. Gavkare
Introduction. Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the most common vascular abnormalities in children under 1 year old; most IHs involute spontaneously and do not need intervention unless a complication occurs. Ulceration and secondary infection...
Introduction. Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the most common vascular abnormalities in children under 1 year old; most IHs involute spontaneously and do not need intervention unless a complication occurs. Ulceration and secondary infection...
Introduction. Infantile...