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Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA

Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
The implementation of the new International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (ICD-11-MMS) system is coming in the next few years. This author provides a guide to conversion to the new system,...
The implementation of the new International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (ICD-11-MMS) system is coming in the next few years. This author provides a guide to conversion to the new system,...
The implementation of the new...
Today's Wound Clinic
Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure information accuracy. However, HMP Communications and the authors do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that...
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure information accuracy. However, HMP Communications and the authors do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that...
Information regarding coding,...
Today's Wound Clinic
Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. However, HMP and the author do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that coding, coverage, and...
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. However, HMP and the author do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that coding, coverage, and...
Information regarding coding,...
Today's Wound Clinic
Business Briefs
Kathleen D. Schaum, MS
Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. However, HMP and the author do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that coding, coverage, and...
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. However, HMP and the author do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that coding, coverage, and...
Information regarding coding,...
Today's Wound Clinic
Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure information accuracy. However, HMP Communications and the author do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that...
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure information accuracy. However, HMP Communications and the author do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that...
Information regarding coding,...
Today's Wound Clinic
Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure information accuracy. However, HMP Communications and the authors do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that...
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure information accuracy. However, HMP Communications and the authors do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that...
Information regarding coding,...
Today's Wound Clinic
Business Briefs
Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
Editor’s Note: Kathleen D. Schaum, MS, author of Business Briefs, will be on extended vacation through early 2018. While she’s away, we will feature guest authors in this column space. Ms. Schaum will return to her column beginning with the...
Editor’s Note: Kathleen D. Schaum, MS, author of Business Briefs, will be on extended vacation through early 2018. While she’s away, we will feature guest authors in this column space. Ms. Schaum will return to her column beginning with the...
Editor’s Note: Kathleen D....
Today's Wound Clinic
Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
When it comes to Medicare’s global surgical package, confusion reigns. This article offers guidance on documentation related to site of service.   
When it comes to Medicare’s global surgical package, confusion reigns. This article offers guidance on documentation related to site of service.   
When it comes to Medicare’s...
Today's Wound Clinic
Venous Ulcers
Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, HMP Communications and the author do not represent, guarantee, or...
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, HMP Communications and the author do not represent, guarantee, or...
Information regarding coding,...
Today's Wound Clinic
Donna J. Cartwright, MPA, RHIA, CCS, RAC, FAHIMA
Utilize this case study to assist your conversion to ICD-10-CM.
Utilize this case study to assist your conversion to ICD-10-CM.
Utilize this case study to...
Today's Wound Clinic