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hostile femoral access

Original Contribution

Cezar Staniloae, MD;  Homam Ibrahim, MD;  Jorge Fuentes, MD;  Carlos Gonzales, MD;  Anna Kapitman; Samantha Vidal, MS;  Sonja Paschke, MD;  Kazuhiro Hisamoto, MD;  Hasan Jilaihawi, MD;  Mathew Williams, MD

Cezar Staniloae, MD;  Homam Ibrahim, ...
The use of orbital atherectomy to prepare iliofemoral vessels for large-bore access prior to TAVR is discussed.
The use of orbital atherectomy to prepare iliofemoral vessels for large-bore access prior to TAVR is discussed.
The use of orbital atherectomy...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology