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infection wound care

Fluorescence Imaging
Barbara Aung, DPM, CWS, FAPWHc
This author presents information on a pilot case series comparing clinical visual judgment to bacterial fluorescence imaging, revealing the power of visualization to predict cost savings for cellular- and tissue-based products (CTPs) and...
This author presents information on a pilot case series comparing clinical visual judgment to bacterial fluorescence imaging, revealing the power of visualization to predict cost savings for cellular- and tissue-based products (CTPs) and...
This author presents information...
Today's Wound Clinic
Fluorescence Imaging
Windy Cole, DPM, CWSP
Stacey Coe, BA, CCRP
Acute wounds heal by progressing through a complex, but orderly, series of physiologic and molecular processes. In contrast, chronic wounds, those that fail to heal within 30 days, are characterized as having stalled in this healing...
Acute wounds heal by progressing through a complex, but orderly, series of physiologic and molecular processes. In contrast, chronic wounds, those that fail to heal within 30 days, are characterized as having stalled in this healing...
Acute wounds heal by progressing...
Today's Wound Clinic
Barbara Aung DPM
We are in an age when we have a handheld device that can give us real-time information whether a wound has bacteria that is preventing healing. Fluorescence imaging is the visualization of fluorescent dyes or proteins as labels for...
We are in an age when we have a handheld device that can give us real-time information whether a wound has bacteria that is preventing healing. Fluorescence imaging is the visualization of fluorescent dyes or proteins as labels for...
We are in an age when we have a...
Podiatry Today