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slender device

Original Contribution

Tsuyoshi Isawa, MD1;  Kazunori Horie, MD1;  Norio Tada, MD1;  Shigeru Toyoda, MD2

Tsuyoshi Isawa, MD1;  Kazunori Horie,...
The Hyperion SheathLess guiding catheter (Asahi Intecc) is a novel guiding system for transradial percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Compared with the previous model (SheathLess Eaucath; Asahi Intecc), improvements achieved with the...
The Hyperion SheathLess guiding catheter (Asahi Intecc) is a novel guiding system for transradial percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Compared with the previous model (SheathLess Eaucath; Asahi Intecc), improvements achieved with the...
The Hyperion SheathLess guiding...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology