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coronary lithotripsy

Original Contribution

Hector Cubero-Gallego, MD, PhD1,2;  Alicia Calvo-Fernandez, MD1,2;  Helena Tizon-Marcos, MD, PhD1,2;  Alvaro Aparisi, MD1,2;  Josep Gomez-Lara, MD, PhD3;  Ignacio Amat-Santos, MD, PhD4;  Monica Fuertes, MD3;  Sandra Santos-Martinez, MD4;
Neus Salvatella, MD1;  Marcos Garcia-Guimaraes, MD1,2;  Alejandro Negrete, MD1; Mohsen Mohandes, MD5;  Joan A. Gomez-Hospital, MD, PhD3;  Cesar Moris, MD, PhD6;  Beatriz Vaquerizo, MD, PhD1,2,7

Hector Cubero-Gallego, MD, PhD1,2;  A...
Coronary lithotripsy (CL) works by fracturing the calcified plaque, allowing mean area gain, enhancing vessel compliance, and facilitating stent deployment. This study reports the safety, effectiveness, and durability of the clinical benefit...
Coronary lithotripsy (CL) works by fracturing the calcified plaque, allowing mean area gain, enhancing vessel compliance, and facilitating stent deployment. This study reports the safety, effectiveness, and durability of the clinical benefit...
Coronary lithotripsy (CL) works...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology