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Grace Perez, MSc

Quality Improvement
Adina M Constantinescu, MD, CCFP, COE
Jadden R Warness, MD
 Navjot Virk, RN, MN 
Grace Perez, MSc
MaryJane Shankel, MD, CCFP, COE
 Jayna Holroyd-Leduc, MD, FRCPC
All supplementary materials can be found at the end of this article following the references.  Adequate sleep is important for optimal cognitive and physical function. Older adults are often troubled by poor sleep, with 13% to 20%...
All supplementary materials can be found at the end of this article following the references.  Adequate sleep is important for optimal cognitive and physical function. Older adults are often troubled by poor sleep, with 13% to 20%...
All supplementary materials can...
Annals of Long-Term Care