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Original Contribution

Rafaela Andrade Penalva Freitas, MD, PhD1; Luis Fernando Tanajura, MD, PhD1; Roxana Mehran, MD2; Daniel Chamié, MD, PhD1; Aurea Chaves, MD, PhD1; Marinella Centemero, MD, PhD1; Sergio Braga, MD, PhD1; Ricardo Costa, MD, PhD1; Davide Cao2; Amanda Sousa, MD, PhD1; Fausto Feres, MD, PhD1; J. Ribamar Costa Jr, MD, PhD1

Rafaela Andrade Penalva Freitas, MD, ...
Despite the potential benefits of percutaneous procedures for the assessment and treatment of coronary artery disease, these interventions require the use of iodine contrast, which might lead to contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) and...
Despite the potential benefits of percutaneous procedures for the assessment and treatment of coronary artery disease, these interventions require the use of iodine contrast, which might lead to contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) and...
Despite the potential benefits...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology