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Patient Care


Richard J. Merschen, EdS, RT(R)(CV), RCIS, Ibrahim Khormi, MS, RT(R)(T)(CT)(MR), Lamis Jada, MS, RT(MR), Tamara Kobakhidze, MS, RT(R), Jennifer Robinson, MS, RT(R), Jefferson School of Health Professions and Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Richard J. Merschen, EdS, RT(R)(CV), ...
The elderly represent the fastest-growing group of patients referred for cardiac surgery and are also becoming an increasingly large segment of the patients in the cath lab.
The elderly represent the fastest-growing group of patients referred for cardiac surgery and are also becoming an increasingly large segment of the patients in the cath lab.
The elderly represent the...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Morton Kern, MD
Morton Kern, MD
In our continuing series of “Conversations in Cardiology”, we present some controversy about when we should be using the activated clotting time (ACT) and what it means.
In our continuing series of “Conversations in Cardiology”, we present some controversy about when we should be using the activated clotting time (ACT) and what it means.
In our continuing series of...
Cath Lab Digest