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Case report

Case Report

Ning Qu, PhD; Wei Li, MSc; GenDong Huang, BA

Ning Qu, PhD; Wei Li, MSc; GenDong Hu...
This article presents a case of a 46-year-old male patient who sustained a traumatic amputation of the right upper extremity in a forklift accident. The scapula and clavicle were partially amputated. The right lung was exposed to the outside...
This article presents a case of a 46-year-old male patient who sustained a traumatic amputation of the right upper extremity in a forklift accident. The scapula and clavicle were partially amputated. The right lung was exposed to the outside...
This article presents a case of...
Case Report
Kathy Gallagher, DNP, APRN-FNP, CWS, WCC, FACCWS
Harsh Kamlesh Desai, MD
Emily C. Alberto, MD
Luis Cardenas, DO, PhD
A positive outcome in a necrotizing soft tissue infection after consultation with wound specialists.
A positive outcome in a necrotizing soft tissue infection after consultation with wound specialists.
A positive outcome in a...
Wound Management & Prevention
Case Report
Jessica Silva Cunha Breder, RN
Daniela Miti Lemos Tsukumo, MD
Eliana Pereira, RN, PhD
Maria Helena Lima, RN, PhD
LLLT may be a beneficial in wound dehiscence.
LLLT may be a beneficial in wound dehiscence.
LLLT may be a beneficial in...
Wound Management & Prevention
Recurrent Subcutaneous Abscess Due to Nocardia farcinica in an Immunocompetent Patient: A Case Report
Case Report
Burçin Acuner, MD;
Füsun Cömert, MD
This article describes the treatment and clinical trajectory of a 37-year-old male patient who was not immunocompromised and presented with a history of minor trauma from a canister and palpable subcutaneous draining nodules in the forearm.
This article describes the treatment and clinical trajectory of a 37-year-old male patient who was not immunocompromised and presented with a history of minor trauma from a canister and palpable subcutaneous draining nodules in the forearm.
This article describes the...
Wound Management & Prevention
Case Examples

Jimmy L. Kerrigan, MD, FACC, FSCAI1

Jimmy L. Kerrigan, MD, FACC, FSCAI1 ...
The use of OpSens dPR helped us to decide that we could safely defer treatment of the patient’s left system, which would have potentially required bifurcation stenting of the left main into the acutely angulated circumflex system and the...
The use of OpSens dPR helped us to decide that we could safely defer treatment of the patient’s left system, which would have potentially required bifurcation stenting of the left main into the acutely angulated circumflex system and the...
The use of OpSens dPR helped us...
Cath Lab Digest

Luai Alhazmi, MD1; Muhammad Asif Mangi, MD1; Mohammed Alyosif, MD2; Ehab Eltahawy, MD1

Luai Alhazmi, MD1; Muhammad Asif Mang...
We report a patient presenting with diminished distal flow in all 3 below-the-knee vessels, despite successful recanalization and patency of the upstream SFA, and absence of significant residual stenosis. The diminished distal flow resolved...
We report a patient presenting with diminished distal flow in all 3 below-the-knee vessels, despite successful recanalization and patency of the upstream SFA, and absence of significant residual stenosis. The diminished distal flow resolved...
We report a patient presenting...
Cath Lab Digest