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Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

Calcium Corner

Cath Lab Digest talks with venous specialist Timothy E. Yates, MD, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, Florida, about his DVT treatment results and how they compare to ATTRACT.

Cath Lab Digest talks with venous spe...
We must educate and work with our colleagues to understand that DVT is a chronic disease state, and that treating it aggressively and early in our patient population is crucial.
We must educate and work with our colleagues to understand that DVT is a chronic disease state, and that treating it aggressively and early in our patient population is crucial.
We must educate and work with...
Cath Lab Digest

Cath Lab Digest talks with Jason P. Jundt, MD, and Wayne K. Nelson, MD, FACS, RPVI; Vascular Surgery, Bend Memorial Clinic, Bend, Oregon.

Cath Lab Digest talks with Jason P. J...
We have an opportunity to make a meaningful difference, acutely, with relief of pain and swelling, restoration to ambulation, and occasionally, limb preservation. Aggressive treatment of DVT using devices can also minimize the risk of...
We have an opportunity to make a meaningful difference, acutely, with relief of pain and swelling, restoration to ambulation, and occasionally, limb preservation. Aggressive treatment of DVT using devices can also minimize the risk of...
We have an opportunity to make a...
Cath Lab Digest