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EP Labs from Canada

Spotlight Interview: Montreal Heart Institute
Spotlight Interview

Katia Dyrda, MD1 and Laurent Macle, MD2
1Associate Professor of Medicine, Electrophysiology Program Director, Université de Montréal, and Director of the Atrial Fibrillation and Ventricular Tachycardia Clinics, Montreal Heart Institute; 2Professor of Medicine, Université de Montréal, and Chief of the Electrophysiology Service, Montreal Heart Institute
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Katia Dyrda, MD1 and Laurent Macle, M...
Founded in 1954, the Montreal Heart Institute constantly aims for the highest standards of excellence in the cardiovascular field through its leadership in clinical and basic research, ultra-specialized care, professional training, and...
Founded in 1954, the Montreal Heart Institute constantly aims for the highest standards of excellence in the cardiovascular field through its leadership in clinical and basic research, ultra-specialized care, professional training, and...
Founded in 1954, the Montreal...
EP Lab Digest