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Ian C. Gilchrist, MD

Ian C. Gilchrist, MD
A discussion on the report by Koutouzis et al addressing the concerns related to the unique technical and anatomical components of the hand.
A discussion on the report by Koutouzis et al addressing the concerns related to the unique technical and anatomical components of the hand.
A discussion on the report by...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Kevin Campbell, MD, FACC
Assistant Professor Of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of North Carolina

Kevin Campbell, MD, FACC Assistant Pr...
There is an ongoing debate on the role that physicians should play in gun control and safety.
There is an ongoing debate on the role that physicians should play in gun control and safety.
There is an ongoing debate on...
EP Lab Digest
Letter from the Editor

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Editor-in-Chief

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Ed...
It is well recognized that atrial fibrillation is associated with an increased risk of stroke, and that oral anticoagulation is an effective way to reduce that risk. The main limitation, however, is that blood thinners can cause bleeding.
It is well recognized that atrial fibrillation is associated with an increased risk of stroke, and that oral anticoagulation is an effective way to reduce that risk. The main limitation, however, is that blood thinners can cause bleeding.
It is well recognized that...
EP Lab Digest
Letter from the Editor

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Editor-in-Chief

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Ed...
Magnetic navigation needs a local champion for local success. It needs at least one physician in the hospital where it is installed who is invested in using the system for most, if not all, of his or her cases.
Magnetic navigation needs a local champion for local success. It needs at least one physician in the hospital where it is installed who is invested in using the system for most, if not all, of his or her cases.
Magnetic navigation needs a...
EP Lab Digest
Letter from the Editor

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Editor-in-Chief

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Ed...
HRS now represents more than 5800 heart rhythm professionals from over 72 countries, including more than 80% of EPs in the United States.
HRS now represents more than 5800 heart rhythm professionals from over 72 countries, including more than 80% of EPs in the United States.
HRS now represents more than...
EP Lab Digest
Letter from the Editor

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Editor-in-Chief

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Ed...
Much has been learned about why atrial fibrillation (AF) begets AF, but interventions that have been based on that knowledge have yet to have a large clinical impact on patients with recurrent AF.
Much has been learned about why atrial fibrillation (AF) begets AF, but interventions that have been based on that knowledge have yet to have a large clinical impact on patients with recurrent AF.
Much has been learned about why...
EP Lab Digest
Letter from the Editor

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Editor-in-Chief

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Ed...
My recent editorial was devoted to advice for incoming EP fellows with the purpose of optimizing the training experience. This editorial is devoted to EP fellows who are graduating and beginning their career.
My recent editorial was devoted to advice for incoming EP fellows with the purpose of optimizing the training experience. This editorial is devoted to EP fellows who are graduating and beginning their career.
My recent editorial was devoted...
EP Lab Digest
Letter from the Editor

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Editor-in-Chief

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Ed...
All providers of care to patients with anticoagulation should review the comprehensive “Practical Management of Anticoagulation in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation."
All providers of care to patients with anticoagulation should review the comprehensive “Practical Management of Anticoagulation in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation."
All providers of care to...
EP Lab Digest

Jonathan Grinstein, MD and Sandeep Nathan, MD, MSc

Jonathan Grinstein, MD and Sandeep Na...
IABPs likely still have a role in the management of high-risk patients with and without cardiogenic shock. The 50 cc balloon appears to offer both an enhanced as well as more consistent hemodynamic response when compared with the 40 cc...
IABPs likely still have a role in the management of high-risk patients with and without cardiogenic shock. The 50 cc balloon appears to offer both an enhanced as well as more consistent hemodynamic response when compared with the 40 cc...
IABPs likely still have a role...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Letter from the Editor

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Editor-in-Chief

Bradley P. Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS, Ed...
If transcutaneous low-level tragus electrical stimulation does have electrophysiological effects to promote sinus rhythm, it is not clear if it can have a clinically meaningful impact in the maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with AF.
If transcutaneous low-level tragus electrical stimulation does have electrophysiological effects to promote sinus rhythm, it is not clear if it can have a clinically meaningful impact in the maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with AF.
If transcutaneous low-level...
EP Lab Digest